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  1. S

    What does your display name mean?

    I used to game under the name aceofspades, which was very symbolic to me. I then cut it short to spadez.
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    The naked chick avatars

    i degrade women and like it. Bwaha.
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    smoking with a zippo

    I fill my zippo with petrol and when i tried to light a bong with it, it was like putting my mouth over a car filler cap and breathing in. Horrible.
  4. S

    does legal bud actually give you a high

    I tried the "strongest legal high" about a month ago, and i can honestly say, i didnt even get the effect of a cig. Nada, nothing. You would probably get more of a high from smoking your shoe.
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    Who lives in P.B.C. Fl.

    I have a house in west palm beach, dont know of any decent head shops near me.
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    i just caught a glimpse of myself naked in a full length mirror

    No ...........................
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    6isafraidof7 IS A PUSSY

  8. S

    social anxiety & pot

    Honestly? Stop smoking weed, go out and buy yourself some new clothes to boost your confidence and keep telling yourself that you are a good person and that your friends are lucky to have you as a friend. Even look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are a good person and that...
  9. S

    i need help with my punctuation

    Well, you can improve by starting with capital letters after a full stop. As for commas, just think to yourself if i was saying this sentence out loud, where would i pause. Then just put a commas in your text where you paused. Edit: You could also try typing your book up in word, that can...
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    Favorite munchies

    Natchos ftw
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    I just wet myself

    Aha thats awesome too.
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    I just wet myself

    Well, not quite, but this really was fucking funny. Sorry if it has been posted, but its worth posting again just incase people havent seen it. Enjoy: YouTube - Stoned Caller on Richard and Judy - You Say We Pay Dubbed :peace:
  13. S

    Have you guys seen this video?

    Awesome video, not sure how people "dont get it", its not exactly rocket science. I wish i was there :(
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    Stoners against Booze?

    Yeah but with hard liquor your missing out on having to piss every five mins :-|
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    If you could have anyone in the world pee in you mouth; who would it be???

    Hell yeah, without her, tombraider wouldnt have sold shit.
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    Stoners against Booze?

    Ill tell them that ;) Personally bud and beer makes me pretty ill when i mix them a lot, but its only recently that i started smoking bud so im sure ill get over it. Viva booze and bud then :)
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    Stoners against Booze?

    Every pot head ive met always bitches about beer / spirits, "its the cause of this and that", but do the majority of stoners really hate booze or are they happy to enjoy both (and my friends are just strange). Personaly, although i understand the negative effects of alcohol, I am quite happy...
  18. S

    My girlfriend flipped out

    Depends how much you care for your girlfriend. If she is special to you, throw the grow kit away and be done with it, she obviously doesnt like you smoking it. If you dont really like her much at all, fuck her, keep growing. Maybe try and compromise, just one batch?