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  • if the heat is all built up naturally then no amount of exhaust will cool if outside temps are the same you know. Ive never heard of a CFL grower having heat issues, so if your ambient air temp is high 90's your probably going to need to condition your air. Lots of growers build completly enclosed off insulated environments for these and other beneficial reasons. Indoor growing of quality stuff is costly-----unless you have all this stuff in a tiny ass air tight box chillin up in the poll barn...then yea you should probably cut a hole in the top and add exhaust...thats the cheapest method....13 dollar bathroom exhaust fan from your local hardware, or if it needs more, then 20 dollars for a 4" booster fan from lowes, or if needing more then 75 for a small squirrel cage from your local hydro shop or online store, and if you need more air removal than that then you should have enough money and experience already invested to have complex ducting and inline fans and such...
    OK, so I have a heat prob. Everytime I look in on my box, its about 90 deg in the box until i open the door and it vents out a lil bit. I took two bulbs out, now I'm only running 4 26W 6500K at an 18/6 schedule, My exhaust fan is blowing air, my little fan I have blowing on my crop is running, but it still gets to about 88 sometimes 91 peak during the day(did i mention this setup is upstairs in a pole barn? Could the heat generated up there be affecting my temps? It gets kinda stuffy up there, but its the only spot I have right now. Is there a CHEAP way to cool off my box w/o spending a whole lot of $?
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