Recent content by sgrowdum

  1. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    So a little update. I stepped up my feeding to 2X a day and I lowered the temps in the room to 73-77* with a majority of the time them being around 73* I put them under the 600-660-750 setting and after 12hrs or so under the 750 I started to see some very very slight curling so I backed it off...
  2. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    I no way would I call 50-55% RH "out of whack" The plants have made a full recovery and I put one back under the DE at the lowest setting (600) we'll see what happens. If it is still too much light I'll throw this 1000W SE back in
  3. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    Oh how I wish you were wrong but it's looking like it. I put one of them under the 600 setting this morning so we'll see how it fares compared to the others under the T5's
  4. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    I'm feeding 321 jacks around 900-1000ppm once a day in 100% coco. Each 3.5-4 gallon bag gets roughly 1 gallon of water a day. This translates to roughly 15 run off from what I'm guessing. I'm about to step it up to two gallons.
  5. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    Care to share your Grow space and RH? Also I wonder if the 1000w would do better than the DE at 630?
  6. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

  7. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    Also Mods if his thread is better served in the sick plants section feel free to move it. On a side note I think the statements about the RH being too low is the culprite here. The light is very strong and if the plants aren't clicking on all cylinders they will struggle.
  8. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    I have C02 and the room is maintaining around 850ppm
  9. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    I still don't see how feeding once a day in 100% coco isn't enough. The soil is moist to the touch 12hrs after a feeding. With that said I don't mind stepping up to two times a day to see what happens
  10. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    A DE @ 1000w has been run in closets the same size as mine. "Too much" is an inaccurate statement. They can be made to work but obviously something in my setup is preventing it. Also look at my first post. I am currently running Co2 to the tune of around 850 PPM on average
  11. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    I agree but therein lies the question, which is more supieror the DE @ 750 or the SE @ 1000
  12. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    Are you suggesting that 1000ppm is not enough for a 14" tall plant under a DE? When they were in soil I was feeding once every 3 days or so as that's all the were drinking. Now in coco I'm feeding once a day 1000ppm solution. Starting tomorrow I was going to expierment with twice a day
  13. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    The DE hasn't been on the 1000 setting for a while now. After it almost took out the plants I turned it off. The girls have been under T5's for the last 2 days and are loving it. What I'm leaning towards now is a standard SE 600w for veg and when they are ready to flip I'll start the DE at 600...
  14. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    Where I agree 50% is low I don't think the RH is low enough to describe what you are saying. I've run grows with less humidity with zero issue but then again I was using standard mogul style bulbs. With that said Look at the Chart I posted. I'm just a hair outside of the ideal efficiency range...
  15. S

    DE killing plants at 5'

    Man I don't know where this 3' rule of thumb came from... at 5' the light is too much. After 36hrs under floros these things are back to life. Am I missing something here? Doing something wrong?