Recent content by Romeo7701

  1. Romeo7701

    Ready for 2 weak flush

    Got to love auto correct... lol
  2. Romeo7701

    Ready for 2 weak flush

    LMAO sorry guys even though most of you NEW what I meant even with the week (weak) type O... LOL
  3. Romeo7701

    Ready for 2 weak flush

    Dude they are not TOILETS DO NOT FLUSH and FEED THEM TILL THEY ARE DONE!!! Flushing degrades the bud dude but, do as you like some people like a week high!!! they need at least a month!
  4. Romeo7701

    to flush or not to flush

    Why does everyone want to starve their plants??? You can NOT wash out what they have already converted and is inside them without DGRADING the bud. Why do so many FLUSH they are not toilets.
  5. Romeo7701

    Trichomes question

    Flushing is for toilets not to be used at the end of flowering!
  6. Romeo7701

    HELP.. i can't fix it or source issue

    Man that's crazy mine is still doing it to I'll be putting them into flower in 2 weeks I guess its just a thing!!!
  7. Romeo7701

    Is she ready 12th week

    I agree with Herb at least 3 more weeks...
  8. Romeo7701

    HELP.. i can't fix it or source issue

    Morning Dog if you ever find out what is causing it let us know I got a critical widow in veg right now that's doing that to, the white and black widows are not doing it they were all planted at the same time, same soil, and same water. Its kinda crazy...
  9. Romeo7701

    Oh my God please help! I've put so much money into my first indoor grow.

    As for the flushing issue it was too deal with at the end of flower allot of people seem to think it increases, potency, taste and smell... That's the real issue it does none of that....
  10. Romeo7701

    Oh my God please help! I've put so much money into my first indoor grow.

    O ok now I understand sorry I had put that behind me on this thread lol:D:bigjoint:
  11. Romeo7701

    Oh my God please help! I've put so much money into my first indoor grow.

    We were yeah talking about replacing a grow set up when did this flushing your plant comer in at???
  12. Romeo7701

    Oh my God please help! I've put so much money into my first indoor grow.

    $2,500 to replace everything in the inner tent set up... 48x96x80
  13. Romeo7701

    Week 7 flower, need feedback

    You are running to high a ppm on your nuits you can see this inn the leaves...
  14. Romeo7701

    Need a curing expert bad

    I leave enough space in the jar to turn them when I roll the jar it works that way for me.
  15. Romeo7701

    Need a curing expert bad

    Put the Bovida packs in the jar and leave it closed do not open till you want to smoke some of it I do this after I have dried mine and the smell will curl your toes but that just my way...