Recent content by nontheist

  1. nontheist

    Another derailed oil hauling train...

    im not buying this. Would this have been diverted by the Keystone pipeline?
  2. nontheist

    Brian Williams

    I feel this is getting blown way out of proportion, he didn't lie while reporting the news this was on the late show. Also didn't Fox news just get busted lying about no go zones in France on the network? Like actually getting sued for it? Hell I think they're even lying about lying about no go...
  3. nontheist

    Obama is gonna be pissed...

    You know I usually take an attempt to bash a religious leader but this pope has his shit together. His embracement of gays and atheist impress the shit out of me and his lack of hate is much appreciated. You realized the pope helped broker the deal between Obama and Cuba? I think they're kind...
  4. nontheist

    Net Neutrality... No, really it will be faster and cheaper... Says the government.

    That's not true ISPs have recently starting charging service fees to youtube and netflix. IE you pay or we're going throttle your services.
  5. nontheist

    Net Neutrality... No, really it will be faster and cheaper... Says the government.

    you realize all those providers use backbones that only a handful of people own and these few offer their own ISP services. It doesn't take much to piece this together. I have 1 choice of an ISP provider at my home and they rape me. Satellite latency and FAPs (not masturbation) make it useless...
  6. nontheist

    Net Neutrality... No, really it will be faster and cheaper... Says the government.

    It doesn't sound like you're entirely clear what net neutrality is.
  7. nontheist

    Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

    Don't like Muslim and don't like Christians but most of all I don't want a 20+ religious war campaign. If you think it's your obligation to kill a radical with a different sky daddy please strap on your bible and head that direction nothing would make me happier.
  8. nontheist


    Im not sure where you're getting your numbers or when but it looks like ACA support is poor. This was from Monday the 10th The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters now have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of Obamacare, consistent with...
  9. nontheist

    WTF Is Obama Doing With Immigration Reform?

    Again im going to ask you are you so fucking stupid you can't understand that the topic is about immigration executive order that Americans overwhelmingly reject?
  10. nontheist

    WTF Is Obama Doing With Immigration Reform?

    I see what you did here, I know you're upset for being the gullible douche advocating how good the ACA was and your hero made you fool but your anus will be taking a beating for some time so ease up. Now a generic poll with zero description of a path to citizenship really show us nothing and...
  11. nontheist

    WTF Is Obama Doing With Immigration Reform?

    you guys are totally fucking correct, out of spite we need Obama to do what he wants while completely ignoring the public opinion on any type of blanket amnesty. Instead of lying and deceiving the *dumbass voters* that agree with his policies, just fucking rail-road unpopular ideas with zero...
  12. nontheist

    Thanks Obama and Liberals!

    That's am opinionated question, but I bet I can guess what they won't do. Form a highly controversial bill that no one asked for, make it so complex that most can't even understand or have time to understand it and shove it though without a single vote of bipartisan support to drop like a bomb...
  13. nontheist

    Liberals blind-sided by their bigotry

    One Oregon voter describes his ordeal "I didn't see it coming, it's like common sense and good judgement washed over me. I mean, I never though this could happen to me! I feel sickened with grief." Oregon voters reject drivers licenses for illegal immigrants...
  14. nontheist

    Thanks Obama and Liberals!

    For fucking up so badly that Americans believe that replacing you with bible thumping assholes is the better choice. Just wrap your head around that for one minute! I guess you guys weren’t real clear what *Americans* wanted or what needs to be done to move this nation forward. That's what's...
  15. nontheist

    Apple CEO Tim Cook.."I'm Gay"...

    Gotta love it when liberals that put on a pedestal a wage suppression, American job killing, tax cheating, grandma suing, innovation killing, corporation. The name of the newly released iphone is 6 and 6+ or plus not .5. Its also about 1 to 8 years behind the times. NFC has been in phones since...