Recent content by naptownspark

  1. N

    LSD has changed the way I view life.. In a beautiful way

    finish it dude.. i wanna know what happened to the friend u lost
  2. N

    LSD has changed the way I view life.. In a beautiful way

    its not even something i like dude.. its something i respect.. like i dnt just do it for the fun of tripping.. i do it for the spiritual aspect mah nigga.. i learn so much about myself.. i have so much more insight on reality its crazy.. its something i don't even want to do all the time.. jst...
  3. N

    LSD has changed the way I view life.. In a beautiful way

    Last night I had the most mind blowing experience ever.. I took 1 hit of LSD and jst went on the most life changing expirience into my TV with my friends tht i had ever gone on.. it was almost like going on adventures and jst seeing what life is.. and how it unfolds.. i saw every little aspect...
  4. N

    when tripping at home how do you like your atmosphere to be

    this is literally ridiculous.. thts literally describes exactly what my man caves like.. thats crazy !
  5. N

    1 drug the rest of your life..

    hell no bro.. im good with doing weed every day.. but every othr drug i ever do i always make sure i wait at least 3 weeks before doing it again
  6. N

    1 drug the rest of your life..

    i mean weed is nice but having a tolerance from smoking everyday sucks dick.. besides MJ id say oxycontin and ambien r my favorite.. ambien fucked my shit up big time.. i love tht shit
  7. N

    I Cant Get Enough of Sweet Mary Jane

    haha beat ya to it.. sorry it took me so long to respond havnt been on in forevr
  8. N

    I Cant Get Enough of Sweet Mary Jane

    u cannot abuse maryjane.. there are probly 10s of thousands of pot heads.. like smoke 10 grams a day that live completely normal lives and dont let it ruin them
  9. N

    if you had to decide????

    lmao thats histerical
  10. N

    I Cant Get Enough of Sweet Mary Jane

    gnna go head and...revive this nigga
  11. N

    I Cant Get Enough of Sweet Mary Jane

    im gnna go ahead a revive this thread !
  12. N

    if you had to decide????

    lmao ! thats hilarious.. idk why tht struck me s funny.. probly cause im baked ^_^
  13. N

    i just smoked.. and had a full body orgasm..

    it was some supposed orange juice kush... but who knows what it really was... it smelled just like oranges tasted.. like oranges.. and was COVERED in orange hairs.. so it was basically orange.. it was some pretty good shit
  14. N

    i just smoked.. and had a full body orgasm..

    maybe i wasnt fucking hard at all ? so u can fuck off ?