Recent content by munch_madness

  1. M

    Ready for harvest? Potential bud rot

    Took a few pics of my girl using a macro lens for the Nikon. What does everyone think of the Trichome color?
  2. M

    Ready for harvest? Potential bud rot

    Thanks guys. The one ready for harvest is Skunk - an indica strain. I have a kush that still has a few more weeks, and a pair of Ace sativa plants that look like they need another 4 weeks minimum (bud sites just started forming 2 weeks ago). They are all autos. (see pic - the two on ends are...
  3. M

    Ready for harvest? Potential bud rot

    Hey guys, I have another thread here: journaling my first ever grow. So far, everything has seemingly gone according to plan. My autoflower girls are now 12 weeks, and I believe one of them is ready for harvest. The...
  4. M

    My first grow - looking for suggestions

    Hey everyone - so we're just over 12 weeks, and I believe one of my girls is ready for harvest. I'm also seeing some browning that looks like bud-rot on the same plant and looking for guidance. Take a look at the pics and let me know what you think. Thanks!
  5. M

    My first grow - looking for suggestions

    Thought I'd give everyone a bit of an update. Plants are now just over 6 weeks old. - I have increased waterings to every 3 days, Big Bloom every feeding (2 Tbsp / gallon), other nutes every other feed. - I have slowly increased nutes to 2 Tbsp/gallon for Big Bloom (1/2 strength), and 2 Tsp for...
  6. M

    My first grow - looking for suggestions

    Thank you! I do have a bit of a newbie question - how much water should I be giving them at a time? They are in 5 Gal containers - I just finished watering them, and split 2.5 Gal of water between the four plants. Is this sufficient, or maybe not quite enough? This was also their first feed...
  7. M

    My first grow - looking for suggestions

    Just thought I'd share a bit of an update with you all: So far everything seems to be moving along rather smoothly. My babies are roughly 4 weeks old today, and I have just transplanted them into their final grow-space: 5 Gallon Smart Pots. I opted for the pots because I have the perfect flat...
  8. M

    My first grow - looking for suggestions

    Always a pleasure to chat with a fellow New Englander. I am in northern VT, no stranger to cold weather here! What is 'too cold'? It will be middle of June before they're transplanted, but even so, we're expecting temps as low as 38 tonight alone. ffof was $15/1.5cu ft. bag at my local Agway. I...
  9. M

    My first grow - looking for suggestions

    Thanks for all the great feedback. I opted for in the ground because I didn't want to constrict their root growth. We have great soil here and I plan to use 1.5 cubic feet of my ffof/perlite mix for each plant. They will be spaced about 6 feet from one another. I was worried that a 5-gal...
  10. M

    My first grow - looking for suggestions

    Hey fellow growers, Cannabis is soon to be legalized here in Vermont, and residents can possess a total of 6 plants starting July 1. Because VT summers are so short, I figured I would get a jumpstart on my grow. I started with seeds from seedsman - two strains of Indica (kush & skunk) and one...