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  • ya i would suggest to scrog it, you will get way more out of it in that small of a space...it all depends on you when you want to start flowering it...i would say to wait until your screen is maybe half full then switch to flower and keep scrogging it until the screen is completley full. light might be too hot but your gunna have to try it to find out
    Ya all that pretty much sounds good...but if your trying to get down to 3, you could even fill your box with just one or two if ya wanted, might take a little longer to fill the screen up but it would work just as good....and i dunno about your blotches....the lower leaves did that on mine too and then died off and were fine so i wouldnt worry too much unless it gets worse. And i had to say F those water tubes they just got in the way and were a pain in the ass...ended up just pouring the water in from the top they were fine....and ya 12/12 to determine sex and you canswitch it back to veg if you want to otherwise you can still bend and fill your screen up with the plants for the fiirst like 2 weeks maybe 3 of flowering...and just trim off some big fan leaves if they look like they r getting in the way and blocking a ton of light...i trimmed a shit ton off of mine like 4 or 5 seperate times so dont be scared to trim em.
    i'm so stoked you wrote back! Everything's great. Except a litl too much h20. leaves w/ blk/dark blotches & curling under. Using FF Ocean. So h20 is issue, right? Stats- Tmp 86 dy/78 nite. 5-23w cfl 2 24w floro. 2 botl- Yeast,sugr, h20, right? doesn't intakes blow c02 out? Trans 3 days ago, 6/10". 18/6hr. All 6 @ 3-5" 2/wks in. Think 12/12 to sex, then back to veg?? I'll need the space! I'm LST now @ 5". I have 2-120mm as intakes, same as u, 74cfm ea. I need more cfm? carbon filtrs impede flow & temps up. Boxs in mstr rm, amp 78. So stealth, I got 2 lrg tubs w/lites beeming! 85 ok w/co2 like u? Start nutes @ wk4? FIM/Cropping? I wish I was stoned..No job, looking.tested. I'll harvest after job;)
    Any help b awesome! did u have h20 tubes poking out? Lastly, is 12/12 to find males too early? then weed out males? out of 6, should have 2-3? maybe 4. I'll stick one outside!
    Thanks man, glad i could influence you a little bit...and if its going in that hot of a garge im pretty sure its not going to work since the lights give off enough heat themselves. I had my box on a cool cement/tile floor so the room temp was close to around 70. That closet temp is good, when it starts getting close and into the 90s thats when you need to worry. I had to switch my fans around so they were both intake to get my temps better, and plus i wanted all my air to exhaust out of the filters on top so no smell...its kinda hard to filter the exhaust from the fan. ya swapping the lights might help a little bit, im not sure which lights give off more heat tho you might have to figure that one out first and decide then...set up the box and check the temps every like 10-20 mins n see if the temps get to high then swap out some lights to try n get it to work...sorry if all that was said a little confusing...im really stoned at the moment :)
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