Recent content by Mr.Miyagi

  1. M

    buds to crispy?

    i had a 1000 watt over 8 plants back then, what more could i upgrade to? i use 600s now for flowering
  2. M

    buds to crispy?

    i recognized the issue with the fan(as stated in the post), also that dosnt change the "meat on the bone"
  3. M

    buds to crispy?

    well first off Michigan medical marijuana program blows, well at least the growers of Michigan due based on the quality of pot that is around, everyone seems to have the same issues, 1.BUDS ARE TO F ING CRISPY i don't know what causes this, i have experienced the same issue, first i had a fan...
  4. M

    plant yellowing?

    ttt anyone?
  5. M

    plant yellowing?

    watered 4x A day for 20mins per plenty of air mix is silca blast and veg nutes from bmo form those pics looks like it could be mag, iron or nitrogen?????
  6. M

    plant yellowing?

    ph is 5.75-6.0 any ideas?
  7. M

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    im trying to figure out how many amps i can pull i dont know it is 100 amp or 200 amp, the main switch has 2 100s connected any idea?
  8. M

    MiniTrees first grow! 600 Watts, in a search for a pound!

    great op going , cheers
  9. M

    "Artificial Virginity Device" The new Rave!

    speak softly if u carry a big stick, just like TDR, all u did was make yourself look like a tool
  10. M

    NewbZ FrisT GroW

    well one plant told me shes was finished so i hacked her down, she was one of the 3 that i cut a bunch off before i flowered and also looks to be the least yield i will get also , here are a few pics
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    NewbZ FrisT GroW

    sounds like a wood shop with be back in business
  12. M

    NewbZ FrisT GroW

    what up VV thanks KINCAID
  13. M

    NewbZ FrisT GroW

    my camera sucks, i will be buying a 12+ mega pixel camera soon, the 5.1 isnt cutting it
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    NewbZ FrisT GroW

    2pics on the right are in the same room trying to show the light leak i have
  15. M

    New to the game of growing

    welcome to RIU , holla @ chiceh she is cool people