Recent content by Master Munchie

  1. Master Munchie

    how much do you smoke in one seating

    Queer? I'm in a relationship with a beautiful woman. Which is probably more than can be said for the skanks you probably pick up off the floor of a bar.
  2. Master Munchie

    the only thing the book of mormon is good for

    Pics or it didn't happen :lol:
  3. Master Munchie


    Noticed a lot of vendetta-posting since I got here. It's starting to put me off a bit, to be honest. Who'd have thought fellow stoners could be so petty.
  4. Master Munchie


    We're all going to hell. Hahaha.
  5. Master Munchie

    how much do you smoke in one seating

    Amen brother!
  6. Master Munchie

    how much do you smoke in one seating

    When I have the luxury of an eighth to myself, I'll smoke that within 12 hours. I just can't say no to bongs, I have one and feel nothing. Then I take another. And another. And another. Then I wonder why I'm falling asleep and my friends aren't. Hahaha. Edit - Shotties are the worst. I love...
  7. Master Munchie

    New heat infared temperature gun to catch grow ops

    Fucking pigs. They just don't give up.
  8. Master Munchie

    my very first grow White Widow Max (LOTS OF PICS)

    Looks pretty tasty.
  9. Master Munchie

    F@ck girls

    Righteously said, mate.
  10. Master Munchie

    F@ck girls

    Amen. (The message you have entered is too sh-FUCK OFF)
  11. Master Munchie

    The waiting game! Who will I hear back from first?

    I really hate the waiting game. I get sooo pissed off if I'm left out of the loop.
  12. Master Munchie

    I don't like to talk about my personal problems usually...

    Usernamex, no need to be a dick about it. Wow. This whole thingreminds me a little of my own dad. Small world.
  13. Master Munchie

    does smoking marijuana cause man boobs??

    I munch all the time, I'm munching right now. i munch an awful lot, but I'm still a fucking rake.
  14. Master Munchie

    BBB...bowls before bed

    I love to smoke myself to sleep, I don't get nightmares and I usually wake up bang on 6AM, perfect.