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  • oh ya one more thing abt them there site doesnt have everything that they carry so if there is something you want just call them an they will get it...they beat all the hydro store in my area prices..i even tell them to see if they will look out for me bt they never do so thats why i stick with this company
    ckeck out this web site i swear they are the cheapest an will work an help you withever you need to
    i was always worry it might so i use/put fish tank rocks under the rockwood just in case....the only ive read abt you would have to worry is the temp of your water heating up frm the pump but i havnt had any problems with it in my clon machine an i leave that on for 24 hours but i do want to buy this timer its called CAP's Adjustable Recycling Timer (ART-DNe) you can set the timer for 1 min on an 4 mins off or how many secs or mins you want on an off
    ya i wouldnt see why not it couldnt hurt..once the roots are long enough wont they be sitting in water? the system we are using is called a deep water hydro long as you have really good air flow/bubbles you will be fine..
    ok thats what im using 18 gallons container 10 to 12 gallons of water an when i using my pvc pipe set up(there is a name but cnt remember right now) it held 5 plants an i only used 5 gallon container had a water pump pump the water to it 24 hours an my plants love the stream of water coming thru the pipe never seen them grow that fast.only reason why i dnt keep using it is bc limited of space for what i want to im using a 18 gallon container with 10 to 12 gallons of water with 3 air hoses an they are just doing great. reason i like your idea is bc at the top, well the roots not in the water im worry abt them dring out so thats why i cnt wait to put a system like urs in to play an leave the water pump on 24 hours i dnt see why not..
    see i have 4 mothers (2x mazar an 2x C-99) they are about 3 months old an about foot an half using only one of my T5 right now(2ft 4 bulbs) 24 hours lighting..i did have them under a 400 watt mh but i didnt want to keep running them under that 24 hours. now i made me a clonning machine after i kept failing to clon them in rockwood. maybe i wasnt giving them enough time or roottech gel just really sucks,well after many trys i find out frm the hydro store that root tech sucks.. now i been reading alot diff ways to clon an i still been able to clon not yet.. So what do you use with to clon? once i get this clonning down an try out your system im hoping to harvest 10 plants once every other month..
    how offen does your pump come on an off? how big is your container(gallons) an how much water do you use?
    Wow i wish that could happen to me.. I had a zip of some jack harer i searched everynugg and nothing.. Did you plant it yet? If so do you have a journal for it. If not you should start one id love to see the process
    oh ya one more thing does water leak out the sides or did u use something to seal it with?
    hey whats up man..hey on your system that you are using wnt it build up with old Nutrients in the bottem of the pipes.i mean when the water goes thru the pipes down inside the legs of your set up wnt it build up??? sry i kn this might sound dumb a** question bt i do like your set up an going to give it a try for my mothers
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