Recent content by k5kreep

  1. k5kreep

    Whats The Science behind "The Cure"

    Thanks Brick Top. That's what I was looking for. I want to better understand the chemical breakdown that occurs, for personal reference. Thanks again
  2. k5kreep

    H2O2 Question

    Hey fellas, how much h202 would one use per gallon in a hydro res? How often? I don't have any res problems, I'm just out to get some more o2 to the roots in veg. Any help would be awesome. Thanks
  3. k5kreep

    Whats The Science behind "The Cure"

    Ok, So i don't post much but, I read plenty and I'm really curious to see if anybody can explain to me the science behind the curing process. I have my process to cure which works great for me but, i want to know more. Can anybody help?
  4. k5kreep


    Closet grows are def possible, but take a good amount of planning due to the typical heat or humidity standards you want to maintain for you plant(s). I would check out some of the cool setups on the site and see what will work for your application/space. There is a wealth of knowledge on here...
  5. k5kreep

    Just Bragging...48 years Toking

    That's awesome! I love the "ol Days" Stories. My pops freaks on the stuff he is smokin now.
  6. k5kreep

    Flushing....Whats your technique?

    Hey fellas I appreciate all the responses. I only have 5 crops under my belt so far and have tried Rockwool/Hydrton and Coco, both with flood and drain. I have had pretty decent result thus far but I know I have tremendous room for improvement. With all my crops I just cant seem to get the...
  7. k5kreep

    Flushing....Whats your technique?

    I want to get everyone opinion on how to properly flush before harvest. Do you use a solution? Fresh water? PH adjusted water? How long? Im curious for all mediums, so let me know what works for you fellas.