Recent content by justfkngrowit

  1. J

    almost ready for flowering!

    No im vegging until i get the bulb.. I guess you didnt get my question. lol.
  2. J

    Smoking Leaves

    Those fan leaves got me high. Maybe it was a placebo, but i dont care. :bigjoint:
  3. J

    Smoking Leaves

    Will fan leaves get you high from a plant in veg? A lot of people say that there are little trichs on them. And the plant is made from cannabinoids. So why not?
  4. J

    almost ready for flowering!

    Can I get a bump?
  5. J

    Light experts?? I could use a little push in the right direction.

    Ha. Thousands is a little ridiculous dont you think?
  6. J

    First time grower. Enough light??

    You might want to think about flowering from seed since you have such a small area.
  7. J

    Bucket Size?

    It depends on the strain.
  8. J

    has anyone grown strawberry cough??

    From what I understand, most cannabis strains take 60+ days of flowering. 80 at the most, right?
  9. J

    Possible Yield

    Lmao. Maybe you should post some more details, man. That's like you asking me where I live and I reply "Canada."
  10. J

    almost ready for flowering!

    So I finally got my 5 gal bags, my nutes, some mylar and my scrubber. Now all I have to do is buy the bulb. I know theres a lot of dispute about hps bulbs and spectrum for lighting, and my question is: which bulb is truly my best bet? I have a very meteocre budget. I'm really trying to keep it...
  11. J

    Denser buds?

    What strain are you growing? TRy getting a big bud strain.
  12. J

    If a HID bulb bursts, will the breakers go off?

    That's good info there.
  13. J

    New grow room running into problems. please help!

    If youre having heat probs run that bitch on low as it can go as long as you can afford it. I recommend the 400cfm vortex. THat's all i need and i have 400w. I too, have an ac unit to lower my temps. Its cooling my house unfortunatley so most of the cold is gets sucks out by the grow room, so im...
  14. J

    Help me my active carbon filter don't work well?

    I was thinking that a smaller one would work as good as a big one. Why would i need a big one? Is there something I am not getting here?
  15. J

    Two weeks in to flower

    and why is this in the noob section? Do you have anything to say about your post?