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  1. J

    almost ready for flowering!

    No im vegging until i get the bulb.. I guess you didnt get my question. lol.
  2. J

    Smoking Leaves

    Those fan leaves got me high. Maybe it was a placebo, but i dont care. :bigjoint:
  3. J

    Smoking Leaves

    Will fan leaves get you high from a plant in veg? A lot of people say that there are little trichs on them. And the plant is made from cannabinoids. So why not?
  4. J

    almost ready for flowering!

    Can I get a bump?
  5. J

    Light experts?? I could use a little push in the right direction.

    Ha. Thousands is a little ridiculous dont you think?
  6. J

    First time grower. Enough light??

    You might want to think about flowering from seed since you have such a small area.
  7. J

    Bucket Size?

    It depends on the strain.
  8. J

    has anyone grown strawberry cough??

    From what I understand, most cannabis strains take 60+ days of flowering. 80 at the most, right?
  9. J

    Possible Yield

    Lmao. Maybe you should post some more details, man. That's like you asking me where I live and I reply "Canada."
  10. J

    almost ready for flowering!

    So I finally got my 5 gal bags, my nutes, some mylar and my scrubber. Now all I have to do is buy the bulb. I know theres a lot of dispute about hps bulbs and spectrum for lighting, and my question is: which bulb is truly my best bet? I have a very meteocre budget. I'm really trying to keep it...
  11. J

    Denser buds?

    What strain are you growing? TRy getting a big bud strain.
  12. J

    If a HID bulb bursts, will the breakers go off?

    That's good info there.
  13. J

    New grow room running into problems. please help!

    If youre having heat probs run that bitch on low as it can go as long as you can afford it. I recommend the 400cfm vortex. THat's all i need and i have 400w. I too, have an ac unit to lower my temps. Its cooling my house unfortunatley so most of the cold is gets sucks out by the grow room, so im...
  14. J

    Help me my active carbon filter don't work well?

    I was thinking that a smaller one would work as good as a big one. Why would i need a big one? Is there something I am not getting here?
  15. J

    Two weeks in to flower

    and why is this in the noob section? Do you have anything to say about your post?
  16. J

    1st. Grow

    usually bathroom fans are about 100-200cfm. It will probably work as far as drawing fresh air in.
  17. J

    a new plant?????????????????

    well how small is the plant? A plant with one or two sets of leaves should be fine. Anything more than that might suffer a good bit of stress, or it might die.
  18. J

    New grow room running into problems. please help!

    some people have plastic on their bulb when they get it. Aaaaand... is your duct bent at all or is it nice and straight? how many cfm is your fan? if youre just starting out, you dont need that carbon scrubber as the smell doesnet get bad till later in the grow.
  19. J

    Ph issues in soil

    My solution would be to get a PH kit, but i guess there are home remedies for it.