John Mondello
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  • hey whats up man if you can for a few minutes check my indoor grow thread. Its labeled my first indoor grow thread should be near the top. Thanks for any input suggestions or ideas
    Nope is the wheat itself..and because of your are right in-line to have it.
    All you gotta do is stay right off the wheat for 4 days..then have a coupleof slices of toast..
    if you wake upnext morning with the symptomsof body FLU..
    bone pain..muscle pain..feelng like have it.

    Start keeping a watch on whether or non your periods of heavy pain coincide with heavy wheat consumption.
    Cheers m8..I've had a look at the link..and I am Green.
    I come from a growing/organic kind of family myself..and that makes me hanker for it.

    You had better wipe the link from the message m8..coz from what I understand..visitor messages are visible to others.
    Safety First.

    I Think it wil be Baking soda in the US..don't touch baking it has wheat in it.
    Have you chased the wheat connection in relevance to your illness.
    I Think that it is This that is behind all my nerve damage..?
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