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  • oh okay kool. my set up is 400 watt MH for veg and flowering 1 600 watt MH and 1 600 watt HPS. im only a week into Veg and there doing good. would you happen to knoe aroundwhat i should expect to yield per plant if i veg 4-5 weeks? or would you yield significant more from 8 weeks veg? one thing i have going for me is my flowering space is 5 by 4 and i did the math thats 9000 lumens per square foot since i have 1200 watts. this is my first grow so its all a learning experience for me. thanks for your input
    srry for the late reply. vegging usually goes by personal preferance. but most ppl veg 3 or 4 weeks. i vegged my big girl for 4.5 weeks. all my cfl lights just werent doing the job right. for almost 2 weeks it barely grew and only had few small buds. once under the 400watt hps the buds literally exploded and are still growing. im very happy with the results. btw MH is for veg. HPS is for flowering. i use both
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