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  • Hey Jaeger

    Thanks for stopping bu man. I am not a huge fan of ordering off the internet unless I absolutely have to, so I have never used anything but walmart nutrients since I have no grow shop locally. I generally stick to Schultz 10-15-10 all through growing and it works just fine.

    I also add blood meal (miracle grow brand from walmart) to my soil that I veg in, then I add bone meal (Hi-Yield Brand from a local nursery) to the soil I use for floweiring. I have actually just done soil additives and pure water no other nutes through the whole grow and it has worked great.

    If you have the money and just want to buy something, Fox Farm is about as good as it gets. Buy the 3 pack with big bloom, tiger and grow big. The bottles tell ya exactly when and how to use em. If youre nervous, just use 1/2 the amount suggested.

    Best of luck!
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