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  • When plants start to preflower, if it has a bunch of white hairs/pistils, does this mean it is female. With that being said, is it possible for male plants to have a bunch of white hairs/pistils?
    Looks like they are just too hot. Got a thermometer in there with the plants? If so then hang it even with the top of all the plants for a few minutes and see what the temp reads. Some strains don't handle high temps too well and will wilt like that. If you find the temps are too high then try just moving your lights up or the plants down. Looks kind of like they could also just be under watered.
    I had these on the back deck earlier today and they looked great. I brought them in and put under the light within a couple of hours they started to wilt. I am not sure if this the same thing as cupping. I just took some pictures and will upload.
    Kind of hard to say. If there is any way you could post some pictures that would help.

    When you say the new growth is skinny, do you mean the leaves are cupping?
    I have got some beauties that are a little over a month old, but about half of the plants all new growth at the top looks wilted. Any ideas to what is going on here?

    Thanks so much!!
    In regard to your question on Thinksaymakedo's thread about sexing plants before they flower:

    Your best bet would be to just keep them close until they start to show sex.
    They will show long before they start to flower.
    You will be able to tell your males (which usually show sex earlier than females) because they will develop pollen sacks. They just look like little clusters of balls. If you see these on a plant, then kill the plant that they are on.
    The female pre-flowers will be two very small hairs that pop out of intersections where branches come off of the main stem, and also at the top below the highest set of new leaves.
    You have to look close for it, they can be hard to see.
    Spacing them out far enough that the females won't get pollinated is almost impossible. The pollen will travel a very long way, and it doesn't take much wind to carry it.

    I would just keep them at home until you are sure you have gotten rid of all males, and then put them outside at that time.
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