Recent content by fal4cy

  1. F


    Not sure, he always has em.
  2. F


    Really strong onset straight to the head it feels like. Not something I can take too many dabs of for fear of falling asleep. :eyesmoke::sleep:
  3. F

    Throwing up after a dab?

    Sounds like you're just pulling too hard on the piece man. Start slow.
  4. F

    Is this brand specific glassware? Or will we see more of these?

    Helix is a brand of its own thats been around for quite a while now:
  5. F

    7x11 2000watts dank.

    Jealousy. lol.
  6. F


    I get this from a guy who's using a tamisium style extractor. Not sure on the exacts just what I've been told. Tastes really good, not the most manageable but completely translucent when set on top of something. All that's available in Indiana atm except what I make though!
  7. F

    The Wax

    Lookin fire!
  8. F

    7x11 2000watts dank.

    That doesn't make it here. I've had good outdoor one time and it was something a friend of mine was growing. I don't doubt that it can be good, it's just not near as common in my experience. I'm not complaining about paying for quality at all. These assholes out here in my area just represent...
  9. F

    7x11 2000watts dank.

    They charge the same for outdoor! lol
  10. F

    does 3 g suck?

    Man 3G doesn't suck that bad, but it feels like it doesn't even work sometimes now that I'm used to 4G D:
  11. F

    7x11 2000watts dank.

    Yeah man totally agreed, but they shouldn't be taxin like they are on the shit they're bringin in. 3800 a lb for what would be considered schwag like in Cali is like robbery. But it's all thats here sometimes.
  12. F

    7x11 2000watts dank.

    Exactly what I was thinking, hahaha.
  13. F

    7x11 2000watts dank.

    Looks like i do need to venture north! Shit around here sucks! Had one good connect that was going to denver and back and now all I can find is stuff that IS from cali but it's like the shit they didn't want. lol
  14. F

    7x11 2000watts dank.

    Thanks! Lookin fire! Nothing looking like that in Indy recently D:
  15. F

    7x11 2000watts dank.

    Kinda late answer, but if you ever intended to ship something you'd want to vacuum seal it and ship via USPS. USPS packages require a warrant to be opened. There are more details just not trying to type it all right now. lol edit: first post. lol:leaf: