Recent content by EpileptiK

  1. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    Whatsup guys! So, My 3cfm two stage is working beautifully, and I did a test run with my chamber a few days ago, reaching -27.5Hg's. I have added hose clamps over the valve on the pump and at the chamber. I am hoping this will help me reach something higher of course. I am looking for as much...
  2. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects. Here ya go brother! Harbor Freight was great for me, now, this is key. Your'e gonna want to google "Harbor Freight 2013 coupon codes." The first site I found revealed a 25% off code for harbor freight. This is how I got it...
  3. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    Thanks a bunch for the tip Twitch, just got my Wax-Tek glass tube in the mail today and man am I happy about it.
  4. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    3cfm, two stage. (originally 135.99) Heres the thing...I have this habit of googling "website name and coupon code 2013" blah blah every time I checkout from a site now, HABRBOR FREIGHT HAD, at least at the time I checked out, a 25% off code available on a random coupon code...
  5. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    I must agree with GreyLord, There have been doctors, the list goes on and on, that I have critiqued through my years of medical experience, from the patient side of the medical transaction, whatever you would prefer to call it, that seem to have multiple ways of treating conditions/diseases in...
  6. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    Yeah, the Tonic Clonic name is just a new description in Neurology for.... Grand-Mal seizures. It's been phased out and they have used better science or some shit to better/more accurately depict the origin of the episode (full brain episode, not partial), but many, and I mean many, still use...
  7. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    Oh hell yes, another tokin' epileptic! Glad to know I joined with many more to get in contact with, its a very important part of my life. Yessir, do I ingest concentrates of all sorts for their potency, for my nerve pain. As my time goes by since my last seizure, bud is working better and...
  8. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    Chicago has never been too pro-anything, the corrupt politicians that have ran this city since the dawn of time have ruined society for citizens, and street gangs run the city. It's ChiRaq! ;) we have more murders per year than Iraq these days, well noted on the police scene man. But recently...
  9. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    The states, Chi-town area at the current moment. Summer 2014 headed back to Rado, though where I had previously had a MMJ card etc etc. Hence why I wish to get as much knowledge and trial and error down as possible before summer 2014, with the new fully legal laws that will be in place timed...
  10. E

    My virgin BHO post, Epileptic MMJ Cannabis user, Tonic Clonic seizures, side effects.

    Greetings Rollitup! :eyesmoke: I am an epileptic with seizures since childhood, it has been rough to say the least. Gettin right to it, Cannabis has saved my side effects in ways no medicine can ever compete with, pain and headache wise, also post seizure state. Not to mention every single toke...