Recent content by EastCoastSOG

  1. E

    One 600 watt LED or two 300 watt LED's for scrog?

    Thank you all for your input, I have been growing under HPS for years. I've found that there is still a lot of debate about LED's, but instead of listening to the hype I plan on doing my own research. Again all the feedback is appreciated, and hell if it don't work out, I'll break the the HID's...
  2. E

    One 600 watt LED or two 300 watt LED's for scrog?

    I very much appreciate this information, and took it very seriously. So seriously in fact, that I ordered a 1200 watt diamond LED this evening. Thank you.
  3. E

    One 600 watt LED or two 300 watt LED's for scrog?

    Thanks for your reply, for the area I'm trying to cover what would you suggest?
  4. E

    One 600 watt LED or two 300 watt LED's for scrog?

    Hello, just a quick question. I've made the jump to LED lighting but am wondering if in my 4x4 area a 600 watt LED would be better for my scrog, or two 300 watt LED's would be better? I am currently using a 300 watt for veg/clones. With my scrog, light penetration isn't so important to me...
  5. E

    why is my pussy about to be soaking wet?

    I believe your cat may hate you now. I don't like to be the one to spread bad news, and keep in mind I am by no means an expert.. But that cat looks mad! I appologize if this isn't allowed, but my wife gets hours worth of laughter on a cat site entitled "I can has cheezburger". Check it out if...
  6. E

    helicopters are hanging some sort of rope?

    Recently there has been a lot of air activity near my home, which being a closet grower gets me slightly paranoid. I did a little research and found that local authorities where borrowing helicopters from the national guard, and had found over 5 million dollars of marijuana in my small county in...
  7. E

    The scary shit thread.

    I think i saw the mothman once. Not really sure what it was but it was there. I was young, early teens and had been invited to a halloween party. During a game of hide-and-go-seek, my brother, best friend, and self ran behind a hay bail to hide at the far corner of the property. There was...
  8. E

    Okay first timer question

    I would have to agree with the post about cfl's. I don't feel that 1 small desk lamp would be worth the time/risk. With just a few cfl's though, you could get a productive harvest. I would suggest 6500k until the plant shows it's sex. Then switching to 2700k once you've confirmed it is female...
  9. E

    Neighbores TRIPPING ME OUT!!!!!!!

    are they really old? I've seen old people do some really off the wall stuff. Next time they do it go in your house and flicker the lights as well. Better yet figure out the morris code for "hey crazy, turn off the f@$%in light". And relay using your light.
  10. E

    Ok here it goes...If you can read this you have a strong mind

    tomato for me. No trouble reading the text. The mind will never cease to amaze me.
  11. E

    Bwpz' First PF Tek Attempt

    i too use the pf tek. I started my batch on the 10th, and just put the first three cakes in my shotgun fruiting chamber. I still have 21 half pint jars that are still colonizing. The strains i am growing are PES Hawaiian and pink buffalo. My advice would be to wait to you see pinning signs...
  12. E

    hey, quick question

    i too was very paranoid with ordering seeds online. I did alot of research and it seems that LOTS of people do it. I have dealt with the single seed centre, and have nothing but high regaurd for their service. Just remember that there is always a chance of something bad going with ordering...
  13. E

    Spidermites what do I do!

    i have a copy of Jorge Cervantes medical growers bible. It says that cleanliness is thr most important first step to spider mite control. Keep the growroom and tools spotless and disinfected. It recommends cleaning out the growroom and disinfecting with pesticide and 5% bleach solution. Steam...
  14. E

    The Wicked Pix Thread!

    had time and browsed through this thread. Some pretty cool/abstract-ish pics. Thanks for the eye candy.
  15. E

    my first grow

    looking good mate. I'm very interested in the led's. Keep us posted on the progress.