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  • Hello Earl. For your "aeroponic space shuttle", can you give me a parts list? I have a fair idea of what you used for most of it but if you can please let me know everything from the pump to elbows, tubing, fittings, and the sprayers. (Basically the mechanics of the aero-shuttle) Thank You.
    Here is the DWC/Bubbleponics sub-forum

    DWC=deep water container.
    All you need for DWC is a simple aquarium airpump,
    some air hose and a tub to hold the nutes and the plants.
    The big problem with DWC is keeping the rez temp below 70ºf
    I grow dwc in the winter and keep the room near 65ºf so my rez temp does not exceed 70º
    There are other ways to cope with the temp problem,
    but other than that,
    dwc is awsome and fast way to grow hydro.
    Check out the link above and you should find several examples of dwc in buckets and tubs.
    Hey there Earl. Thanks for the friend request. I am relatively new to the growing world, and need a friend close by. My dog dug up my flowering plant today, so it has been kind of a rough day. for the plant and the dog. You know of anything I can do to help fix the plant. very wilted. needed about 7 more weeks to finish. What part of texas are you from. I am in east texas.
    Earl, i've been following you on this site and another and just want to say THANKS for all the great info you have passed on! I had a few quick questions and was hoping you'd answer. I've seen you have done both DWC and AERO/NFT with great success!!! Which system do you feel you get better results with? Also, what do u feel are the PROS and CONS of each system? THANKS again for all the info.
    I just noticed your request today, I don't get online much as I'm experimenting with being a homeless person. Fellow Texan Pinkus here says he probably will be too this month (August)
    Earl , VV turned me on to sum of your beans,I a patient in Mich. Got a few Hermies but I have one "skunk widow" thats Diesel quality. Thank Bro Know your goods made to the patient...
    "You will have to register on the CC forum
    to veiw the links,
    because they are in the private area of the grow files"

    You're F'ing kidding!

    All that reading and anticipating results and you forward me to another site that I have to register with.

    Woah! Lame!
    Hey Earl,

    I have much respect for you and I have read many of your posts. I would not of become a member if it were not for you. I am on my 3rd grow like the past two it has been from bag seed and I have not been able to produce anything that creates any effect. I started using an AG and went to a box from there. The only nut I have ever used was the nut tablets that came with the AG. Since the ladies I have now are not worth a crap I plan on starting from scratch. I have received some good seeds and I plan on starting with the auto-white russian for convenience. I am using many diff box plans from many diff people. The Box that I am building right now will be using fog spray heads, nutramist foggers, and deep water. If you are willing to give a couple of suggestions I am willing to start a journal with pics. Your opinion is the only one I care about and would appreciate any input. Please let me know if you are willing.


    hey there Earl nice to meet you Im getting into aeroponics fed up with soil I was looking at some threads and saw you were the one to ask. I saw your setup Im thinking of doing something like that but with 4" square vinyl post I though I had all the info I needed but then I saw ur set up lol so my question to you is.

    1.Will a .10 hp Eco Water Chiller be enough for a 50 gallon resv. and how do you connect that to your resv this part really has me sumped if you could give me like a drawing it would be awesome

    2. Will a 90 gpd Max Pure Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier be good I think I have this part figured out I was thinking of perparing a 50 gallon resv with a 264 gph sub. pump in it and little stand with wheels on it so I can fill it and cart it to the room that the system resv. needs to be changed and then use the pump to pump the ro water to the system resv. What do you think will this work.

    And thanks ahead of time Earl for the help and hoping to get to know you better thanks
    hey Earl, your space aero set up is absolutely superb, i wonder if you can help me, i was looking at your DWC system and i am wondering can i use those cooler boxes to grow my plants to about 5-6 foot or do i need to use something alot more sturdy? im looking to grow around 16 plants in a 1.2 x 2.0m tent with 2 600wHPS lights, im thinking of making 16 bubble pots??? do you have any wisdom on this as it would be greatly appriciated!!!!!!!
    Hey Earl, been reading your posts about ur 4" pvc setup i am currently building a very similar but rather lager setup. The one question i have is how did you connect the black tube to the sprayers? did you just shove them in and also how did you connect the black tube to the 1" pvc feed line. Thanks for you help.
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