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  • Hey, I saw an old post about cutting a hole in the ceiling. You said it's pretty obvious and I agree with what you told the original guy. I'm doing the same sort of job but am stuck with what sort of saw to use. I have to rent all these sorts of things and really don't know what would be best. What did you use?
    Any tips for ordering seeds into NZ, security concious newby here...
    Just keep the order low and hope for the best. Most sites will resent for free if seized.
    seaofseeds are in london. I bought mine and they came in 7 days. I also recommended it to another nz'er and his arrived. Just don't get too many seeds as their packs come with 6 free seeds.
    Yeah figured it out I have to have 25 post to get personal messages. So ill do that now ;)
    Hey dude, keen to hear what you have to say about them. But I'm unsure how to activate my private messages?
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