Recent content by DankyDank

  1. DankyDank

    Price Question

    I am really looking for someone who has had experience specifically in California selling outdoor weed to co-ops or dispensaries. I know for a fact that they do not pay 3500 per pound for weed. I would be shocked if they paid more than 1500. You have to keep in mind that I am in California, and...
  2. DankyDank

    Price Question

    I live in California, and just completed an outdoor grow. I would rate the quality as very good, both in potency and bag appeal. A local cooperative has offered me 5,000 dollars for three pounds. Having had no previous experience dealing in this kind of quantity, I don't know if this is a...
  3. DankyDank

    California Medical Marijuana Caregiver Help

    The laws in California recently changed, and it is not like it used to be. At one time, all it really took to become a designated caregiver was the filling out of a form like the one above. However, to qualify as a caregiver who is protected by California law, you have to be able to prove in a...
  4. DankyDank

    What would you prefer legalization or just decriminalization?

    Decriminalization all the way. It keeps it out of the hands of government. My problem with legalization is that it may lead to taxation, which grows government. Anything that grows government is undesirable. The "Legalize and Tax" crowd are impatient and reckless, just trying to get what they...
  5. DankyDank

    Wow, something i never knew about why legalization probably won't happen..

    I'm not sure how anyone who is even remotely keeping themselves informed on this topic could see Obama as a "resource." Obama has turned out to be a sell out. He is actually prosecuting pot cases MORE enthusiastically than the Bush administration ever did. Obama had the DEA raid a medical...
  6. DankyDank

    legalizing proposition for obama

    I don't think it sounds cool at all. Anything that puts more money into the government's pocket is a bad idea, and that includes pot taxes. Decriminalization is the way to go, NOT legalize and tax. The folks pushing for legalize and tax are being very shortsighted.
  7. DankyDank

    Process of Decriminalization/Legalization of Marijuana in America 2009

    You are being WAY to easy on Obama. To suggest that he has broken his campaign promises in regards to marijuana because "he has too much on his plate" or because he would be criticized is to be in some serious denial. Obama rode a wave of popularity into office that was so strong he could have...
  8. DankyDank

    How can I prove to someone I'm not a cop?

    There's no way to prove you aren't a cop. Furthermore, contrary to what some others have posted on this board, it is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT that a cop has to tell you if they are with law enforcement just because you ask them. Lastly, they CAN do drugs (under some circumstances, police even receive...
  9. DankyDank

    caregiver question?

    The short answer is "Yes." In California, it can be very easy to get a doctor's recommendation. Though all recommendations have the same legal standing, some doctor's take the medicinal marijuana issue rather seriously and actually want to see some symptoms, while others are just giving away...
  10. DankyDank

    will my plants grow okay in the mountains?

    A lot of it depends on your elevation. Here is some info that might help. I grow at about 2200 feet in northern cal. At this elevation, I can expect my plants to finish 3-4 weeks later than what is "normal." I usually put my plants out at the end of May, and choose strains that finish as early...
  11. DankyDank

    Aluminum foil?

    It is VERY easy to work with. It is sturdy and heavy duty, and doesn't tear or run at all.
  12. DankyDank

    Aluminum foil?

    Despite the fact that some people claim "hot spots" with foil, it workd just fine as long as you use the diffused side (as someone already pointed out. Mylar is okay, but hard to work with, as it clouds easily and gets dirty fast. If you use mylar, you pretty much need to clean the shit out of...
  13. DankyDank

    First timer needing some advice...

    My personal experience with LED has been that they can be helpful (and money-saving) during the veg stage. I have not personally had a grow that I have been happy with when trying to use LED for flowering (and I have tried.)
  14. DankyDank

    Price of Bud if Legal

    I think that if weed were "legalized" in the sense that most meople mean when they say "legalized" that the price would not drop significantly. In fact, I think that government participation would increase the price of bud significantly through all kinds of new taxes. Because I do not want...
  15. DankyDank

    An Ethical Pot Question

    So far, that's 1 "probably not, it might be dangerous", and 1 "You didn't grow it so don't take it." Any other opinions?