Recent content by Capincrunk

  1. C

    Please help need to know!!!!!!!!!!!

    always check your ph
  2. C

    Please help need to know!!!!!!!!!!!

    its from your ph fluctuating too much. make sure you set around 6.2 and you will be just fine
  3. C

    At week 6 something is wrong.

    during flowering plants require more cal mag
  4. C

    Nitrogen burn..?

    you should water with plain water in between nutes. would prevent this problem
  5. C

    How much time does she need?

    2 to 3 weeks left
  6. C


    I see those spiders in the woods all the time
  7. C

    HELP Are these over watered ? Is it normal for edges to do this ?

    edges will curl like that from heat stress. your fine just keep to a good watering schedule
  8. C

    Problem with seedlings

    right there is were i hit it with half dose of nutes
  9. C

    Problem with seedlings

    looks like your ph is off or you are letting it get too dry before watering
  10. C

    When will flowering start, soon?

    im in northwest Ohio and im on my fourth week outdoors