Recent content by Bunddp

  1. B


    Mosquito bits and sticky they’ll be gone in days. I had a infestation from my living soil. Next time I’ll just mix mosquito bits in my top layer of soil from the get go.
  2. B

    Forst day of flower after a 24 hr of darkness period n notices this

    Mine did that too a bit with a sf2000, think I had it at 12” from canopy, moved it up to 18”, seemed to help. I was also battling fungus gnats at the same time so was more worried about them.
  3. B

    Gorilla glue, magnum autoflower how much longer?

    Thanks, kinda what I was thinking but I started looking at people harvest posts that looked way less mature than mine and I got worried lol
  4. B

    Gorilla glue, magnum autoflower how much longer?

    That’s about as good as I can get in focus
  5. B

    Gorilla glue, magnum autoflower how much longer?

    Yeah I have a loupe, no amber yet. All milky though. I’ll try to get a close up. Can’t take one through the loupe with this stupid dual camera
  6. B

    Gorilla glue, magnum autoflower how much longer?

    Hey thanks in advance, just getting the itch and wondering how much longer. Both autoflowers from msnl. Planted these in super soil/ fox farms hoppy frog 11/10/20. Been watering with RO water, molasses.
  7. B

    Outdoor gorilla glue.... is it ready?

    Gonna cut her down tomorrow
  8. B

    Outdoor gorilla glue.... is it ready?

    Got lucky, I found 2 seeds in a 1/2 ounce, germinated them on a whim. Both grew female but one turned out to be a runt. Might not even actually be gorilla glue but it looks right.
  9. B

    Outdoor gorilla glue.... is it ready?

    Thanks, gonna rain all next week here, got temps of 55-40. I’m Worried about the cold/rain combo
  10. B

    Outdoor gorilla glue.... is it ready?

    Gorilla glue bag seed. Started flowering mid August. Is she ready?