Recent content by Ben28tx!

  1. B

    Bad to burry my chameleon in my 5 gallon cannabis bucket?

    I have a two day old plant in cup, but will transfer to usual 5 gallon bucket but thinking adding my chameleon in the soil. Smoke my chameleon kinda sounds weird but I had him almost 6 years, he would like that lol
  2. B

    No leaves just stalk

    I planted a seed and it grew but it’s just the stalk and no leaves. Does this happen sometimes. I’d understand some stall and some tiny leaves but this is just the stalk unfortunately
  3. B

    Anybody else put items inside their weed soil 5 gal bucket

    I think since it’s a 7 gallon and just a cone, u prob got plenty of soil still for one seed to have a nice yield. I originally did it to save money using less soil but won’t again. I added too many water bottles in my two 5 gallon buckets so my plants won’t have as much soil to get huge as if...
  4. B

    Anybody else put items inside their weed soil 5 gal bucket

    Ok ty I’ll check it out. Appreciate it
  5. B

    Anybody else put items inside their weed soil 5 gal bucket

    And They are also only just 30-31 days old
  6. B

    Anybody else put items inside their weed soil 5 gal bucket

    TYSM Wat yall said made sense and I will deff not do that again. im new and that’s why I’m here, to get helpful advice from more experienced growers.
  7. B

    Anybody else put items inside their weed soil 5 gal bucket

    I bought the expensive fox farm ocean soil and I put it in a 5 gallon container along with some jugs of plastic waters and other things so the buckets were pretty light and I only used two bags. It’s a couple bags of that soil and a bunch of basically plastic but I think this will allow the air...
  8. B

    Growing hydro in 100 degree temps indoor possible??

    Yea air w fans. I’m using my bedroom closet for now. And I switched to soil. Wayyyyyyy easier. Got 3 nice plants rn. I was doing Hydro w buckets, after about a month of nice growing root rot kept getting me. I clean the system and all the tips from online but kept getting root rot. I got...
  9. B

    Growing hydro in 100 degree temps indoor possible??

    I’m guessing they were probably sativas? Oh And autoflower btw?
  10. B

    Growing hydro in 100 degree temps indoor possible??

    Wow I guess I can try it then I have everything I need except I cant add any a/c so the room goes like over 100 my other room has 1 ww, 2 n lights and 1 gg33 but that is indoor ofc I have a great room outside and ready (minus temp) control :/
  11. B

    Can I just use fox farm ocean soil only?

    I would like a soil plant but I’m busy w hydros I’m wondering is there a soil out there I can use for the whole auto flower life cycle so I don’t have to do anything, (maybe add tiger bloom).. can I use fox farm ocean soil or any recommendations on a hands off soil brand? Website said———...
  12. B

    Growing hydro in 100 degree temps indoor possible??

    I got the sp3000 Mars light. It’s a shed pretty much. Added a nice dehumidifier already and fan but I can’t use a portable ac unit since I can’t cut a hole into the wall to let out the warm exhaust from the unit. Without the exhaust out the shed it would get hotter just stuck in the room...