Recent content by Aidenthesloth

  1. A

    Need Suggestions on Mainline+Basic Questions

    Ok, let's get right into it. Using FoxFarms Ocean Forest mix. In the beginning I was having some nutrient problems but when defoliating and hst the problems seem to have have gone away. It has only been about a week though since mainline operation has started. I topped right at the fourth node...
  2. A

    Got Lots of Brown Spots on Early Veg

    Fox Farms Ocean Forest, not aquatic
  3. A

    Got Lots of Brown Spots on Early Veg

    Also, this is only my second grow ever so bare with me...
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    Got Lots of Brown Spots on Early Veg

    Just put this seedling in the new pot a few days ago and I was having some leaf problems before but now I'm debating on what this one is. Got some FF aquatic mix, and I've topped it once... Also, Idk if I should trim anymore right now. I've taken some bad leaves off amd the response hasn't been...
  5. A

    Problems With Seedling, Lots of Yellow, Pls Help

    Also, don't have a carbon filter, and I don't measure ph. I have a feeling I'm gonna get a lot of angry comments but, just need to share the info. I actually went ahead and researched the average ph in my towns water and it was pretty perfect at a steady 6.3 to 6.8. These can be misleading...
  6. A

    Problems With Seedling, Lots of Yellow, Pls Help

    Let's get right down to business, got a seedling here, around week three. Watering once every other day(A few days ago I'd say otherwise, more like twice a day with a spray bottle, but then was told not to do that). Using Fox Farms Aqua mix. Top looks great, but bottom is just struggle city...
  7. A

    Weird egg smell from tent and other seedling issues...

    So the last thread I made about this seedling peeps told me to water more which is what I have been doing. Twice a day just pouring some water in until all medium is nice and moist. But then today I open my tent and all I smell is well, shitty eggs. There's some other odd indications on the...
  8. A

    Seedling Problems?

    I'm just using some foxfarms soil and I'm watering once or twice a day with just a squirter bottle. The purple stem I'm not worried about but the little brown specs and odd marks on the leaves are. Take a look, tell me what you think. Also I have my lights on 24 hours daily.
  9. A

    New Seedling, One Concern

    So I got a new seedling going and the main stem is purple. A part of me thinks it's because I have my light 24 hours on. I'm also just using foxfarms soil. Other than that, tell meh how it looks...
  10. A

    Did I Just Get Scammed by Spider Farmer? Sketch PayPal

    I would also like to state that I wasn't attempting to make SF look bad by any means. I just had a question that needed to be answered and I thought coming here was a good choice. I suppose in the future I'll think of better questions to ask.
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    Did I Just Get Scammed by Spider Farmer? Sketch PayPal

    Yeah, I literally just got it today actually and set it up Needs a little tinkering but I'm concerned about the height. I've already made risky adjustments lol, and I'm not even using all of the straps. Right now the light is about 2 feet above this seedling and as you can see the light's not...
  12. A

    Did I Just Get Scammed by Spider Farmer? Sketch PayPal

    Yes actually. The lights just arrived today. There was no inconvenience, just me being ignorant. Thank you.
  13. A

    Did I Just Get Scammed by Spider Farmer? Sketch PayPal

    First off I wasn't trying to trash the company. I was just making sure my money was in safe hands. I haven't seen someone use Hotmail in a little bit, especially a product selling website. I also have never seen a Chinese Email for a Canadian based site.
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    Did I Just Get Scammed by Spider Farmer? Sketch PayPal

    Yep, and I even went ahead and emailed the customer service email provided at the bottom of the page. Haven't gotten back to me yet
  15. A

    Did I Just Get Scammed by Spider Farmer? Sketch PayPal

    I just ordered the new light for the set up off of the Spuder Farmer website, and I used PayPal. It's not like I insisted on PayPal It's just that was the websites set mode of payment. However, the PayPal looked super sketchy after giving a close look(of course after already paying). Any...