Leaves yellowing, browning, dying...help!

Green Gemstone Man

Active Member
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The bottom leaves have been developing yellow and then brown patches for a few weeks. The first set are totally dead. Top of plant is perfectly health however. I fed them some nutes at 3 weeks but I'm not sure if that is problem. This is happening to 50% of my plants

I have flushed them and since then it seems the problem is not getting any better.

Am I missing some nutes? My PH is a little high 7.2 - 7.5 but I just flushed my plants so I don't want to water right away.

please help my dying children...



Well-Known Member
nitrogen deficiency, and those plants loooooked stretched
^^ Agreed

You need to get them some b1 and some NITROGEN!! get a foiler and feed them every 3-6 days 5 min before bed time dutchmasters makes a good 18-0-1 foiler you can use. bring the light about 3 inches from the stop of the plant... if your using CFLs for veg. I would do it quick to bc u can save it now without much being effected but if u streach them anymore u arent gonna yeild shit