disease or deficiency

Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
Ok starting from the beginning...My partner and some of his circle have had this cut of lemon G for quite some time. Great yielder, taste like lemon head candy. Recently he has taken over a G-room and running this strain. Last season he lost a whole crop, due to what he claims as a disease or bacteria. I think its a deficiency. Although the symptoms were extreme.

I went over to help, and noticed that the leaves were cat clawing, and there were yellow spots all over. I instantly thought cal/mag deficiency. Also all of the bud's orange hairs had turned black and died off, which I agreed sounded bacterial.
When I went to check them out and trouble shoot, I noticed first off that the temp and humidity in his sealed G-room were astronomical. He knows this is bad but claims he has already harvested under the same conditions with out this particular problem. 2nd his RO unit was hooked up backwards and he was running hydro in water with like 800ppm's. I suggested he tear the room down, clean it with an antifungal/bacterial solution, unseal the room for fresh air circulation and get a portable ac unit, in case it really was a fungal/bacteria. Now being how I think 90% of the time the problem is not a disease, but a deficiency I took a small cut to my garden to run and see if I could correct it. Also in our possession is a mother (same seed different cut).

He is sticking to it not being a deficiency, because he claims when he vented that grow room into another grow room that all those plats got it as well.

Here is the kicker. I took it to my garden, grew it from clone, and now in veg state, it shows the same signs. I have been doubling up on the cal/mag, but I think at this point I am a little confused. The mother plant from a different cut is twice as old, but showing none of the same signs. could this be a disease? I am including a picture. Remember when in budding, the hairs turn black and die off. Any help will do, at least for the sake of problem solving. Plus rep as always. I appreciate anyone's response here.


Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
Iron deficiency was a good suggestion. But ultimately it was not iron. I had been giving iron and nothing improved. I actually kept two of the plants to try and solve this. This is invaluable learning, if I can beat it. But ultimately everything I tried failed, so I threw them out.

We killed everything, got a couple different mothers, and cut some clones. When the other mothers were introduced to the grow room they began to show symptoms like the previous crop. Different strains too. The clones seem ok, one of the mother's is alright but 2 are showing the same things as in the picture above.

So we tore down the mylar and backing, ran a sulfur burner for a couple days, and painted everything flat white. I'm going to spray everything with some "greencure" in a day or so. I honestly think this is possibly a mold/fungus problem. It just scares me how the new growth has it instantly. I start wondering if there is any hope saving that particular plant, and if this has effected the plant genetically thus ruining any chance at clones.
Is this black mold or something? Its killing everything we have...Please...some help, past experience, anything.


Well-Known Member
Well having too much nitrogen can make the leaves curl, and a lot of spots, and slow growth happen, can also make buds recede...and it makes the new growth super neon green while the rest is dark green which is what that plant looks like. i have one plant that does this if I give it any nitrogen at all...so might that possibly be the issue? I mean this one strain I have ,c-13 Haze was vegged for 6 months and got only one 1/4 dose of food the whole time, and I'll be damned if the one quarter dose didn't make the leaves curl up again...the stupid plant had finally got to where all the leaves were straight for the first time since I have been growing this strain...so in almost 4 years I could only manage to make it look nice for a few months and I did it by totally ignoring the plant..letting it go dry, and not feeding at all...


Well-Known Member
Well hell you say it is happening to different strains...so i don't know, but for real I have one plant that almost always looks like this...it never spreads though.


Well-Known Member
Shotgun em with micronutes if they are dying anyway. Vitamin tablet is one source to use. Sucks ..a dispensary guy just lost 3 rooms to fungus/virus.

Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
nah, its not nitrogen burn trust me. Cal/mag deficency look lik this. Which is what I initally thought. But I have been working this issue for months with no avail. I have not ran into anyone who has had this issue. Only heard about people who have.

Thanks though for the suggestion


Active Member
This may be way off track, but I had a problem somewhat the same as yours. Have you checked the roots on one of the affected plants for discoloration?
I ended up using a copper based anti fungal sray, multiple applications. Then I gave my plants a H2O2 flush.
the idea behind this was that somehow they got a systemic fungal infection that could not be combated simply by applying a spray alone. I treated the roots with the H2O2 because I noticed that the roots where a tan color, rather than the nice white that they should be.
After flushing I let the soil dry out to the point of them drooping, then fed with a home made worm casting tea to reintroduce benificial bacteria into the soil as well as to give them a light feeding.

Just a thought

Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
Could we see some more pics maybe something in flower. I think me and a friend have the same problem and I need to figure out what it is because I am stumped. I have a thread with some pics up asking for help maybe if one of us figures it out we could let the other know. https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/522221-please-help-i-am-having.html
unfortunatly i dont have picks of bloom. we got rid of everything. i would like to see some pics of yours. if u could pm me a few or shoot me a link, i will see if its the same symptoms

Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
This may be way off track, but I had a problem somewhat the same as yours. Have you checked the roots on one of the affected plants for discoloration?
I ended up using a copper based anti fungal sray, multiple applications. Then I gave my plants a H2O2 flush.
the idea behind this was that somehow they got a systemic fungal infection that could not be combated simply by applying a spray alone. I treated the roots with the H2O2 because I noticed that the roots where a tan color, rather than the nice white that they should be.
After flushing I let the soil dry out to the poinft of them drooping, then fed with a home made worm casting tea to reintroduce benificial bacteria into the soil as well as to give them a light feeding.

Just a thought
this sounds about right...but all differen plants, different containers, different soils. i will check the roots though. good thought


Well-Known Member
to be honest your more on the right track then him. its humidity/temp damage(mostly humidity) and im surprised his filters are still in good shape. he needs to run cooler drier air at night, i agree with you 100%! he needs to circulate some air. this is a common problem with sealed rooms. i dont think its Bactria or a virus. i can show the exact same thing right now, well in 2 and half hours, humidity causes the water to sit at night the plants sucks this moisture into the leaves what your are seeing there is basically the plant equivalent to pruning in the bathtub.

Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
to be honest your more on the right track then him. its humidity/temp damage(mostly humidity) and im surprised his filters are still in good shape. he needs to run cooler drier air at night, i agree with you 100%! he needs to circulate some air. this is a common problem with sealed rooms. i dont think its Bactria or a virus. i can show the exact same thing right now, well in 2 and half hours, humidity causes the water to sit at night the plants sucks this moisture into the leaves what your are seeing there is basically the plant equivalent to pruning in the bathtub.
Poly, this is most likely the issue then. I have since got a large portable AC, and an 8" inline fan. Plus the wall fan. Is there anyway of saving these? If i drop this temp will the plants start to correct? This seems the most probable problem. I am hoping this is the culprit so I may move on.

Could you PM me those pics you were talking about if you get a chance? Im just wanting to rule out any possibilities of it being something else.


Well-Known Member
Well if we have the same problem then I dont think this is correct because my temps and humidity are actually pretty low and I have tons of airflow. Temp is between 65-75 < night-day humidity only gets into the 70's when I water otherwise it stays below 60%. Also it is not happening to all my or my friends plants. A perfect example is my friend does 2 plant scrogs and he has two plants that were taken as clones at the same time off the same plant under the same screen and all waterings, food, soil were the same and one plant has it and the other doesn't... Loon I also cleared my pm box.


Well-Known Member
i will post the pics up here in a little bit co2 is on, mine is bounced back and healthy from when it looked bad now.

just remembered i dont have email to send my self pics. lol i will get them up here in the next day or 2 srry man, just remind me