HELP - 1 step forward, 2 steps back


Active Member
I have no idea what else to do to keep these guys alive...

Heres a couple pics, I'm running out of ideas..

veg a, veg b at about 1160ppm (nutrient dip stick)

CO2 gen set at 1200 (propane)



Well-Known Member
You might aswell start over those will never account to anything.It looks like over nuted and also the room temp has been real hot. Y didnt you ask for help along time ago?? IMO there past the point of no return...Are you using hydro nutes in soil,whats the temp,humidity,lights,distance from lights,etc.


Well-Known Member
eeeek, i hope it's not too late. Need more details, do you have a journal, when did you notice the browning?

Do the leaves crack and fall apart when you touch them or are they still limp and together? I would say lose all leaves that are crisp because that is the point of no return. Then see what you have left and go from there.