Keeping the dog off?


Well-Known Member
Pungent Air tries to naturally expand, an item that puts off a pungent aroma tries to expel itself naturally. It produces whether it is dead or alive an aroma (that of marijuana is what the Dogs detect and send us to jail).

So if we were to put say 1[lb] in a Plexiglas container or some material that in no way allows air to pass through. (It obviously could not be permeable by any means. ) And we were to vacuum that container therefore removing all of the air from it. (It in my theory crafting does not have the ability to expel anything at all. It really only "taints" the air around it) So if a stalk of bud is in a container UN-permeable by air which we were to vacuum out completely, would it produce an aroma that a dog could detect? Or would the absence of "Air" keep the stalk from producing anything detectable?

I am curious because according to the men I spoke with kids have almost gotten away several times by just putting it in a cooler. The sealed container keeps the k9 from detecting the aroma. But after a while the smell starts to "seep" through either the walls, or the crack in the lid, I do not know. So if this almost works, obviously a container that has a perfect seal would work fine, but getting (and KEEPING) a perfect seal would not be easy.

Let me know what you guys think about this.


Well-Known Member
Sounds do able, my friend has a vacume sealer that u use to preserve food. He says it works so good that he is able to ship herb to any state. he has sent ounces upon ounces of bud to places in Cali, Texas, washington and Oregon. If u went as far as to get a plexi glass container and u vacum seal it it should work


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply! I am glad to hear that my theory crafting may pay off. I transport large underwater video cameras and they are very big boxes, and I figured if the Plexiglas glass would work then I could put it underneath the camera in the boxes and a dog would never know! I am not worried about cops, as I would never give them permission to search my vehicle but I always worry about a dog..

I really think that bringing the pressure inside to a negative pressure would work. Obviously if you vacuum all of the air out of the container, the only thing the air on the inside will be doing is trying to pull more air in.
And if all of the air on the outside is trying to get into the inside, then there is no room for an aroma to seep out right!?

I wish I had a way to test this! It would make me feel more comfortable when transporting weight.

What kind of container is it that your friend puts the Marijuana in?


Well-Known Member
Lol! Being a pioneer without proper testing gets me busted! As my old professor used to say to us (The 7 p's)

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i never needed to move quantity but always thought about storage in a vacuum ,cut small propane tank in half store a few lbs inside protected from the weld site ,weld paint vacuum off you go


Active Member
My friend Got a retired drug dog from the state he was the top dog for three years, He had lost his vision in one eye. It took us awhile to learn how to que him to hunt but we did. Dont mess with a good drug dog trust me. He would tell someone to hide a joint any where they wanted in anything they wanted the dog necer missed. We tried all sorts of containers paking it in coffe in sealed pvc. we vacum sealed it like 20 times washing our hands in alcohol every time the dog was never wrong. Yall can believe me or not but if I had anything on me an saw a dog roll up id piss myself. He was unbeleivable. Good luck you'll need it.


Active Member
Have someone you know contact the state about retired drug dogs they want to adopt ask if any one in your area has one then find out about them ask for a demo. To que this dog to hunt he had to put him in one of those harness's and ha had to be on lead you just walked him around the car and told him to hunt it, hunt it, when he made a detection he would scrath the place and sit. we would throw him a ball he was happy. But if someone has a retired one they know how to work it they are to much fun lol.


Active Member
just beacue something is airtight doesnt mean smells cant permeate through!!!!!!!!!

Watch Never Get Busted and Never Get Raided!

Barry Cooper explains how it all works.

There was some dudes with drugs in thier gas tank in and air-water tight container wrapped many times over and surrounded by gasoline!!!

over the course of a few days the dog could smell it.

time is the key. if you put something in an air-tight container and leave NO RESIDUE (very important), then it will take some time for the smell to permeate out. In otherwords you have a much better chance of it not being found if u seal ur stash RIGHT before they get there... or right before the officer gets out of his car if you happen to be pulled over.


Well-Known Member
My friend Got a retired drug dog from the state he was the top dog for three years, He had lost his vision in one eye. It took us awhile to learn how to que him to hunt but we did. Dont mess with a good drug dog trust me. He would tell someone to hide a joint any where they wanted in anything they wanted the dog necer missed. We tried all sorts of containers paking it in coffe in sealed pvc. we vacum sealed it like 20 times washing our hands in alcohol every time the dog was never wrong. Yall can believe me or not but if I had anything on me an saw a dog roll up id piss myself. He was unbeleivable. Good luck you'll need it.
100% agree with this, you see some of the Australia's Border Security T.V show's on sometimes and the dogs are simply fucking amazing.......


Active Member
I talked to a narc while in school once and he said the dogs can smell through up to 2ft of concrete dude, I really wouldn't trust it too much
"[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]Breston uncovered a shipment of marijuana in heat-sealed Mylar bags, inside plastic-lined crates sealed with foam sealant, inside a closed storage garage."


Well-Known Member
put it in a mason jar, or other air tight jar, then vacuum seal.. thats your best bet...

the problem is that ALL surfaces are air permeable over time, which means no matter how many times its sealed, or how many times you wash it, or pack it or whatever, eventually the smell will seep out. the problem is that with larger quantities this happens faster, and the smell is of course much stronger.


Well-Known Member
I also agree 100% not to mess with good drug dogs!!
Here are your problems.. Even if you contain everything inside the container, cleaning odour from the exterior can be very difficult, and it can be easily recontaminated.. Alot of ppl do a great packing job, then stupidly pick up the package with contaminated hands..
You won't be able to maintain negative pressure in any container you could negatively pressurize unless you were to 100% seal a non permeable container, and reduce the pressure via a chemical rxn inside that reduces the number of moles of gaseous constituents.. Any valve will inevitably be your weakest link.. Considering negative pressure implies you don't even expect the containment to be absolutely non-permeable..
Metals, glass, and HDPE should themselves be non-permeable, but regarding the HDPE I'm not positive since I don't know what cannabinoids are actually detected by dogs.. If you ampoule your dope in those, then take it to a house with no marijuana activity, shower, and bleach the exterior thoroughly you might be able to beat any dog.. Even if I did that though, I'd be shaking during a search..


Well-Known Member
All very valid points, I have been sick with the flu or would have answered sooner! Good idea with the Retired drug dog, sounds like it may be fun to. Alright then so if a vacuum seal does not work how about this.

I know there must be some way to engineer something to beat the dogs! By the combined power of our minds we can figure it out!


Active Member
All very valid points, I have been sick with the flu or would have answered sooner! Good idea with the Retired drug dog, sounds like it may be fun to. Alright then so if a vacuum seal does not work how about this.

I know there must be some way to engineer something to beat the dogs! By the combined power of our minds we can figure it out!
I walked past a drug dog in Turin airport with 2 1/8s on me in nothing more than a self=seal bag and a little cologne sprayed on. They can be beat... trust!


Well-Known Member
I walked past a drug dog in Turin airport with 2 1/8s on me in nothing more than a self=seal bag and a little cologne sprayed on. They can be beat... trust!
Yea its true! I personally brought back a 5 gram chunk of hash when i went to Amsterdam and i walked right past a drug dog. I bagged it up 7 times in spent weed baggies that i got from the coffee shops! I think it all depends on how adept the dog is. I also brought back a VERY dirty bubbler that i picked up in Amsterdam. The second time i visited i brought back a very dirty grinder that i had used through out the entire trip. It had a half inch of keif in the catcher and it was on my carry on!! this was in 07 so not that long ago.