UK Grower, Auto, First Grow, Big Bang, Blue Passion

So freaked out a little over the last couple of days. Gave them there largest watering to date. Looked in on them a couple of day later and they where sagging quiet a bit. Assumed it was probably a overwatering issue so left it for an additional day. Today I came in and they looked on deaths door.

Fearing that they where root bound I got some larger pots and some more soil and perlite. Did a trasplant and they seemed completly dried out so I gave a good watering when they got in the new pots approx 5 hours ago and now they look significantly better which is a bonus. Going to keep a keen eye for it the next couple of days and post a couple of more pics.
Cropped the first plant. dried and cured i have got 2oz. This was a little premature incropping but i was running out of room. 1 of the 2 still under looks amazing, loads of crystals. Still good seed for a first grow, high is cool but taste and smell is not the best, not bad by any means but not really tasty.


New Member
Cropped the first plant. dried and cured i have got 2oz. This was a little premature incropping but i was running out of room. 1 of the 2 still under looks amazing, loads of crystals. Still good seed for a first grow, high is cool but taste and smell is not the best, not bad by any means but not really tasty.
Started to grow this now as its quick and easy to grow apparently.

Just 1over 125 cfl as limited space