check out the plant and gestimates + reps


Well-Known Member
hey every one my plant started showing signs of female on 7-10-09 and i was wondering if the sites near the hairs will turn into buds . check out my plant and give gestimates and comments = reps

shes nice and 28 inches tall check the pics



Well-Known Member
hey every one my plant started showing signs of female on 7-10-09 and i was wondering if the sites near the hairs will turn into buds . check out my plant and give gestimates and comments = reps

shes nice and 28 inches tall check the pics
nobody huh? thats b.s


I wish I could help you out, but I'm a first time grower so I'm not too sure. All I can say best of luck with the grow and your plants are looking great :)


Active Member
what kind of light are you using? Fluros I assume? You need to get the lights way closer you have quite a bit of stretching.


Well-Known Member
what kind of light are you using? Fluros I assume? You need to get the lights way closer you have quite a bit of stretching.
its strecthing because its in flowering stage im using 400w mh 4000k and its 5 inches away from the top . and the 1st stretching was from outside i had it growing out there and decided to go with it indoors. then i went with fluros and the i invested in buying bulk 400w mh . i have a total of 23 400w mh bulbs bro never ending supplies . i have the day version 400w mh and the then 4000k mh . lol nice guess tho and thanks


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the buds willform every were there is a preflower. she looks good.. in a couple of weeks you should see sum thum nail size buds...


Well-Known Member
no man those are just pre flowers. i ripped one of mine open and there was a seed in it, cos i had a male like 3 ft away... do you know how to FIM?
so your telling me that the white pistils are preflowers? and im only growing 1 plant bro . aint any male plants in the room . and i fim`d my plant when it was 7 inches tall and toped it at 20 inches

Dolce Vita

Active Member
congrats dude! hey you should look into adding molasses in with ur water once a week. bigger buds and denser too now would be a good time to start! worth some looking into dude just sayin... lol


Well-Known Member
congrats dude! hey you should look into adding molasses in with ur water once a week. bigger buds and denser too now would be a good time to start! worth some looking into dude just sayin... lol

im using techniflora bc boost bc bloom magical, sugar daddy and it comes out to 7-16-21 . its from stealthy hydro its for hydrophonics systems so i think thats good and how about you.


Well-Known Member
im using techniflora bc boost bc bloom magical, sugar daddy and it comes out to 7-16-21 . its from stealthy hydro its for hydrophonics systems so i think thats good and how about you.
its not quite like adding numbers together... NPK values are ratios and concentrations... so they dont exactly add up quite that simple.. but adding together will give you a good idea of where your at...

its a DUDE
you would know if it was a male.. the preflowers would resemble little green grape clusters... he definatly does not have a male... there is a better chance of him having a hermie from earlier stresses to the plant than it being a male... but its more than likely just going to be a female... thank you and play again...


Well-Known Member
its not quite like adding numbers together... NPK values are ratios and concentrations... so they dont exactly add up quite that simple.. but adding together will give you a good idea of where your at...

you would know if it was a male.. the preflowers would resemble little green grape clusters... he definatly does not have a male... there is a better chance of him having a hermie from earlier stresses to the plant than it being a male... but its more than likely just going to be a female... thank you and play again...

thats whats up bro lol, some people just dont know what they are talking about bro

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
looking good m8 you might just wanna up your n as it uses a lot of n during flowering thats why the leaves start to yellow a it gets closer to cut down time but as i said deffo looking good + rep