experiment worked!


transplanted a two month old soil plant into bubble/hydro two days ago, now he is a darker green than ever and looking good, so i think it worked!


Well-Known Member
you're gonna have to explain this one to me.....how? did you just plop that soil encrusted root mass into a res? huh?:confused::confused: i gotta say i'm rather confused.


hell no! i carefully pulled the rootball out of the soil and gently washed the roots off with water to remove the soil. then put it in a netpot and pulled as much of the roots as possible thru the holes so that the roots hang in the res. running only water no nutes and sat it directly over my bubble stone. pulled it out of direct light and left it alone. when i went to check on everything today, it has grown bout 1/2 in and is a darker green than when it was in the soil.


Pretty amazing plant....does crazy things sometimes!
def. ive had plants that i couldnt kill if i wanted to, nursing one back to health right now. bout 3.5-4 mo. old, flowering female, at a whopping 4.5 in. as of today! (another experiment) this poor girl has been close to death for most of its life, yet refuses to give it up, awesome. off the subject, but i know that the next post i read is gonna be someone asking if i have pics, i do but keep having problems uploading them to my posts. i keep getting the "internet explorer cannot display this page" after i try to upload the pics in my posts. any suggestions?

Muffy D

Well-Known Member
Ive done this too. Sometimes I grow seeds in soil and transplant them into my ebb and flow system. It really doesnt affect them much.