Drying/Smoking the Frosty Leaves?


Active Member
I've noticed in posts on here that so many have said come harvest time they just trim off the frosty leaves and pitch them or use them for making hash, but are they not potent enough to dry and smoke themselves? Obviously not as potent as the buds, but to tell you the truth, I'm not used to smoking the really good, potent stuff anyway. I almost wonder if the frosty leaves on some well-grown plants wouldn't be about similar to some of the bagged, dried-out stuff I'm used to seeing anyway.

Even if I bothered with it, I would keep the two separate: 1) nice bud collected, dried, cured together and 2) a collection of leaves dried/stored separately. Any thoughts or insight?


Well-Known Member
totally works, my buddies grew up smoking trim

it takes quite a bit more to get you high and can give ya a headache too

dry cure and smoke just like you would do to buds


Well-Known Member
Yes you can. I've gotten orders for my trims for that reason. But sence I don't smoke I use my trims as my meds. Or I would get rid of them. As a teen that's what we got. Was cheep and worked. And with alot of us smoking it lasted. As long as trichs are on it it's good to smoke.
I wonder if you can use the frosty trimmings in a vaporizer??? Since there is no combustion and only THC release maybe that'll work? Anyone tried this?


Active Member
Ran out of bud on my first harvest and all i had was the trim that luckily i was too lazy to cook into edibles. I started smoking the frosty trich covered trim and it worked grate...got me smoked, it was still way better than the crap on the streets.


Active Member
Most people don't like to smoke trim cause its the leafy part that contain alot of chlorophyll. Harsher taste and will sometimes give a headache. Works best to just process it to get all the thc/canabinoids out of it. You can smoke it, it's just a personal preference.


Active Member
I grew up smoking my dad's trimmings and have known several old school peoples that loved a good bag of sugar leaf. It's great for rolling and I can only imagine it would be great through the volcano. I'm going to be harvesting over the next 3 weeks starting today so I will have to try a bit in mine.


Active Member
I've noticed in posts on here that so many have said come harvest time they just trim off the frosty leaves and pitch them or use them for making hash, but are they not potent enough to dry and smoke themselves? Obviously not as potent as the buds, but to tell you the truth, I'm not used to smoking the really good, potent stuff anyway. I almost wonder if the frosty leaves on some well-grown plants wouldn't be about similar to some of the bagged, dried-out stuff I'm used to seeing anyway.

Even if I bothered with it, I would keep the two separate: 1) nice bud collected, dried, cured together and 2) a collection of leaves dried/stored separately. Any thoughts or insight?
You spoke my mind, I always wondered if it was ok to do it :confused:


Active Member
I smoke my trim, I burned a fatty of trim, with some friends, and they comented how good my weed was(when it was just trim)


Active Member
Right now my critical+ and diesel bud have leaves so covered in res they look more white than green. What do I do? Pull them off BUT I keep them for sure! I would and have smoked the leaves and you know what my leaves are better than the garbage for sale on the streets (i'm in australia not cali...). ONLY REASON I separate them the leaf from the bud is the taste is a bit more acrid than the bud- so i'd rather enjoy the bud pure and yum and if i run out or want a quick joint or what ever I can smoke the leaf by itself and get high and still like it, just more harsh and not as tasty.
One thing I would say though if you are smoking the leaves then cut them in half sort of. I find on the bigger leaves the res is thickest to half way then gets thinner untill maybe no visible res on the tips. If you want to smoke it straight just cut the un-resinous tips of each leaf.

Bottom line is high is good - taste ranges from not as good to a bit harsh


Well-Known Member
its just fine doing it.

indica leaves , tend to give you more of an headache though, need to be cured for best effect (or smoke in a hookah)

while on the other hand, pure sativa leaves,well, you might even smoke the fan leaves (no sugar) and get high (though you´d need to smoke quite alot)

the more closer to sativa, usually means the leaves are more smokable.

though on a indica, the sugarleaves are totally smokable, just much more harsher.

and id personally want them to be cured maybe 3 months at least before smoking. (or a hookah or a vaporizer)


Active Member
its just fine doing it.

indica leaves , tend to give you more of an headache though, need to be cured for best effect (or smoke in a hookah)

while on the other hand, pure sativa leaves,well, you might even smoke the fan leaves (no sugar) and get high (though you´d need to smoke quite alot)

the more closer to sativa, usually means the leaves are more smokable.

though on a indica, the sugarleaves are totally smokable, just much more harsher.

and id personally want them to be cured maybe 3 months at least before smoking. (or a hookah or a vaporizer)
3 months wow ok long time :) Hey I like your fat cat avatar.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
i keep the frosty trim and freeze it for a couple days. then just use a bowl shaped screen to rub the trichs loose. and have a finer screen on the table to filter out any of the plant material that got throug the 1st one. usually do 3-4 runs and press it. Theres also no need to dry out all of the water like when doing ice hash.

smoking the leaves too just taste like bung and is pretty rough on the lungs. it is definatly worth the 45 min or so depending how much trim you have.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
So why not drying/smoking? I keep hearing the hash thing, but would smoking them not work?
leaves taste like crap, plain and simple. the amount a seasoned smoker would have to smoke would be nauseating. it's similar to smoking a random houseplant.

if you have a lower tolerance and can stand the flavor of the leaf, then by all means smoke away. i still don't reccomend it.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed in posts on here that so many have said come harvest time they just trim off the frosty leaves and pitch them or use them for making hash, but are they not potent enough to dry and smoke themselves? Obviously not as potent as the buds, but to tell you the truth, I'm not used to smoking the really good, potent stuff anyway. I almost wonder if the frosty leaves on some well-grown plants wouldn't be about similar to some of the bagged, dried-out stuff I'm used to seeing anyway.

Even if I bothered with it, I would keep the two separate: 1) nice bud collected, dried, cured together and 2) a collection of leaves dried/stored separately. Any thoughts or insight?

hahaha!! i save all my trim leaves (not water leaves) in asamll tub from the dollar tree, and forget about it in the garage.. then when times are really tough i remember it.. and i take my pack of zigzags out there and roll a few to forget how tough times are.. hahahaha makes for really good jointstuffs and im a heavy smoker..=)