Last night I overdosed on Seroquel.


Well-Known Member
Bare with me on this, I am still coming off of it as I write this.

Last night I decided to take some Seroquel to help me fall asleep, I had some my friend had given me. I had never taken it before and heard it helps greatly with insomnia... which appealed to me.

Around 1:20 I took a 300mg tablet and waited for it to kick in, 20 minutes later I started to feel the first mild effects which was drowsiness and warmth in my legs and arms. I liked it at this point but the effects just kept building. finally about 30 minutes in I felt myself lose contact with reality, my heart is beating faster then It has ever before. I can feel my whole body thump to each rapid heartbeat. Everything starts turning into frames and my body starts to become more automatic (still in control but felt impulsive and scared) At this point I'm sitting in my bed hallucinating hardcore. I was convinced of all my thoughts, they sent me into a psychotic schizophrenic mess.

Finally at about an hour in I blacked out completely, Just when this happened I was shot into this darkness where I was floating into this black space with colorful patterns and then I was contacted by this thing I can only describe as god, it was sending me so much complex emotions I have never felt, amazing love and compassion poured from its light and it was telling me everything is going to be okay. This was the most blissful thing to hear at this point.

I am an atheist and fully discredit gods existence, I am a very skeptical person but what happened last night was something beyond me.

I woke up in my bed still feeling very psychotic and schizophrenic, every time I closed my eyes I sEE hallucinations, this lasted until 3 hours in where I started to comedown from the peaking effects.

My first near death experience :D


Well-Known Member
Love ganja but lately I have been become massively schizophrenic when smoking even weed. I had to quit it :[


Well-Known Member
Bare with me on this, I am still coming off of it as I write this.

Last night I decided to take some Seroquel to help me fall asleep, I had some my friend had given me. I had never taken it before and heard it helps greatly with insomnia... which appealed to me.

Around 1:20 I took a 300mg tablet and waited for it to kick in, 20 minutes later I started to feel the first mild effects which was drowsiness and warmth in my legs and arms. I liked it at this point but the effects just kept building. finally about 30 minutes in I felt myself lose contact with reality, my heart is beating faster then It has ever before. I can feel my whole body thump to each rapid heartbeat. Everything starts turning into frames and my body starts to become more automatic (still in control but felt impulsive and scared) At this point I'm sitting in my bed hallucinating hardcore. I was convinced of all my thoughts, they sent me into a psychotic schizophrenic mess.

Finally at about an hour in I blacked out completely, Just when this happened I was shot into this darkness where I was floating into this black space with colorful patterns and then I was contacted by this thing I can only describe as god, it was sending me so much complex emotions I have never felt, amazing love and compassion poured from its light and it was telling me everything is going to be okay. This was the most blissful thing to hear at this point.

I am an atheist and fully discredit gods existence, I am a very skeptical person but what happened last night was something beyond me.

I woke up in my bed still feeling very psychotic and schizophrenic, every time I closed my eyes I sEE hallucinations, this lasted until 3 hours in where I started to comedown from the peaking effects.

My first near death experience :D
Wowzer,300mg is way to much if have not taken before,I took 150mg for insomnia and had to crawl to take a piss and will never touch that chit again.Afganixhash plant is great for me to sleep.Glad your OK.


Well-Known Member
Love ganja but lately I have been become massively schizophrenic when smoking even weed. I had to quit it :[
Me too some strains give me a panic attack if i havent smoked for a few days. Not stopping tho just smoke everyday now,LOL.:-o


Well-Known Member
i blacked out tough on those things, sorry man.. whoever told you a 300mg is good for sleep must be a junkie lol


Well-Known Member
Read about drugs before you take them. 25-50mg is a good starting dose for sleep. You're lucky one of the requirements for approval for psych meds is a very high therapeutic ration.
Also hallucinations are an unusual paradoxical effect. Antipsychotics are supposed to stop that, not cause it.
next time pop on over to erowid and read about what you're putting in your body. You got lucky, it may not happen again. There's no excuse in this day and age for taking a drug without knowing what it is and what it does and how much you should take. Always start low, you can always add more but you can't always take it away.


Well-Known Member
Read about drugs before you take them. 25-50mg is a good starting dose for sleep. You're lucky one of the requirements for approval for psych meds is a very high therapeutic ration.
Also hallucinations are an unusual paradoxical effect. Antipsychotics are supposed to stop that, not cause it.
next time pop on over to erowid and read about what you're putting in your body. You got lucky, it may not happen again. There's no excuse in this day and age for taking a drug without knowing what it is and what it does and how much you should take. Always start low, you can always add more but you can't always take it away.
Very good advise!!


Well-Known Member
Yea that was a huge foul on my part, I should have done alot more research before randomly consuming medication I barely know about.

Do you think the overdose could have caused any damage? I can't really tell if i sustained any permanent damage from that night... hopefully not.


Well-Known Member
Man i think i had a 30mg seroquel or a 60 worst shit ever was really twitchy in my muscles while sleepin! HORRIBLE!


Well-Known Member
Yea that was a huge foul on my part, I should have done alot more research before randomly consuming medication I barely know about.

Do you think the overdose could have caused any damage? I can't really tell if i sustained any permanent damage from that night... hopefully not.
You didn't need to do a lot of research. You needed to do some. Probably 5-10 minutes worth.
You won't suffer any permanent effects. You'll just feel a bit disconnected from the world for a few days.


those kinds of drugs can actually cause permanent psychological damage. You could possibly cause drug induced schizophrenia.....permanently. Be careful with those things, man. :-P


Well-Known Member
My dr. gave me ambien and said to take half a pill, and if that didn't work, then take the whole the first 2 nights I took half a pill and it didn't do the next night ( night 3) I took the whole pill, and within like 15 mins everything on the TV started to sound weird, and then I felt really sick so I stumble into the bathroom and vomit and once i am done and I look up there is a bubble blower that is one of my is brightly colored with all manner of patterns...usually the patterns are just there, but this time they were moving...
So...I knew what was happening I was just hallucinating a whatever...15 minutes I was blissfully asleep and stayed that way for the next 6 hours and woke up feeling awesome!
I decided to stop taking it, because I looked up the side effects and the first 3 are nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, in that order, which just happened to be the order they hit me in as well...
Anyway decided to stop taking it, but after a night of sleep it was only 3 more nights of sleeplessness before I decided it was worth it to perhaps puke a little as long as I can sleep well for a few hours...and I started taking them again...
And I have found the trick...
I have to be able to get at least 6 hours of sleep...if you wake me after I have been sleeping for only 4 hours 45 minutes I will feel terrible for the next 30 mins or so, and then I puke and feel great.
After I take the pill I have to be in bed within 20 mins after swallowing it because if I walk around a whole lot after taking it, then again with the puking...
It's almost like my body just rejects it if I am not sleeping...
haven't had any hallucinations again...

And this is off of 10mg, so no chance of OD
300 mg sounds like a lot, but it is possible that what you got wasn't the effects of too much, but just the effects in and of themselves.


Care to provide a reference from a peer reviewed source on that one Vang?

this outlines some good information pertaining to neuroleptics, and how they work. I assume you asked me because you wanted more information on the subject, instead of challenging my knowledge :-P I am not opposed to medications, however, there are some clear downfalls to them. Advances in medicine are improving the drugs, but they still have negative aspects about them. It is a very interesting topic, and I could go on about it forever. Also, people with a predisposition for psychotic disorders can trigger them by using hallucinogenic substances, and things like them....that does not mean that I am opposed to them, I just think that people should be more careful. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I asked because I have never heard of those kind of side effects from a single use, even in overdose. So it was a polite challenge. Seroquel has been shown to be one of the safer atypicals. Fuck Geodon rarely causes effects that bad when used short term (the only way it's actually approved, fuck them for trying to get it used long term) and those side effects normally reverse quickly after the cessation of it.
Psych meds have come a long way and in many ways are nothing short of miraculous. Look at the treatment of schizophrenia before the the discovery of the antipsychotic activity of the phenothiazines. Yes they still have a lot of improvements to be made, but they're better than nothing.
While psychedelics can trigger underlying issues, they also have amazing potential as therapeutic adjuncts to therapy. Notably in disorders like PTSD which are extremely resistant to more traditional treatments.


I asked because I have never heard of those kind of side effects from a single use, even in overdose. So it was a polite challenge. Seroquel has been shown to be one of the safer atypicals. Fuck Geodon rarely causes effects that bad when used short term (the only way it's actually approved, fuck them for trying to get it used long term) and those side effects normally reverse quickly after the cessation of it.
Psych meds have come a long way and in many ways are nothing short of miraculous. Look at the treatment of schizophrenia before the the discovery of the antipsychotic activity of the phenothiazines. Yes they still have a lot of improvements to be made, but they're better than nothing.
While psychedelics can trigger underlying issues, they also have amazing potential as therapeutic adjuncts to therapy. Notably in disorders like PTSD which are extremely resistant to more traditional treatments.
Completely agree with you!! Seroquel IS one of the better ones. I wasn't really commenting on Seroquel, specifically. I was just saying that neuroleptics are not really something someone should be fucking around with, unless they know how it is going to affect them. I also agree with you about the hallucinogens...modern therapy just does not cut it with certain disorders. :-P


Well-Known Member
No one should fuck around with any drug without knowing what it is and what it does. It greatly saddens me that so many people won't spend the time to look up a drug. It's not hard. Google substance name erowid. You don't even need to go digging around through all the crap drugs are bad mkay info anymore.
The difficulty faced with even setting up limited trials with psychedelics really bothers me. I've got a bunch of people I love who have suffered because of PTSD and it's bullshit that so little has been done for so long. And even now if you don't have combat related PTSD good luck getting into an MDMA study. And MAPS is having trouble coming up with money to fund the phase three clinical trial. We have overwhelming evidence that it's the best treatment going, but because of our puritanical phobia of things that cause pleasure and the fucked up mess that is the business side of drug discovery it's been a decades long uphill battle to get even this close to getting a safe, effective, and cheap therapy approved.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have some issues you need to sort out mentally or something. If you have smoked weed plenty with no problems.... then start getting problems from smoking it.... that means something has changed.

also not very skeptical if you fully discredit gods existence... that means you are pretty sure of yourself which is another problem