should i chop it and plant good genetics


Active Member
right now im growing one bag seed from some mexican brick, taking veryyyyyyy long to finish, i choped off a little bud today and tested it out without drying it at all, hard to burn but got me STONEDDDDD, i got a seed from the best weed ive ever had and my grow room is only big enough for one plant, should i chop the brick plant and toss in the high grade or try and rig sumpthing up to make both work


Well-Known Member
You might as well let the brick plant finish and then start the seed...and hope it's a female.


Active Member
unless your plant now hermied id say keep. and replant after harvest, Itll give ya something to do while your cure happens.


Well-Known Member
Let the bag seed finish, crack the new seed and grow in a small area until you harvest the big plant, then you'll be that far ahead. :)


Well-Known Member
i cant believe ur still asking about this seed. I mean I recall ur post, about it being from the best u ever smoked, now ur in mid grow & now u want to chop it down? u have no idea what u have doesnt have good genetics? and genetics only get u so far u know, the knowledge, skill, & dedication of the grower in actually growing the plant to harvest is JUST as important. U can have the best genetics in the world & someone can end up with subpar yield, & pitiful plants if they don't know what they r doing. It is only a myth, that indoors (when man has to control lights, etc.), grows like a weed, because well it is; that only works outside.


Active Member
i cant believe ur still asking about this seed. I mean I recall ur post, about it being from the best u ever smoked, now ur in mid grow & now u want to chop it down? u have no idea what u have doesnt have good genetics? and genetics only get u so far u know, the knowledge, skill, & dedication of the grower in actually growing the plant to harvest is JUST as important. U can have the best genetics in the world & someone can end up with subpar yield, & pitiful plants if they don't know what they r doing. It is only a myth, that indoors (when man has to control lights, etc.), grows like a weed, because well it is; that only works outside.
no, the seed from the high grade jus germinated today, the plant that is in mid grow is a mexican brick bag seed that is turning out really dank that im conisidering chopping down to put that really good seed in


Well-Known Member
haha, you'll be good, as long as it's getting some light it'll be good.

How far along is the plant you growing right now? I don't feel like reading this thread.


Active Member
haha, you'll be good, as long as it's getting some light it'll be good.

How far along is the plant you growing right now? I don't feel like reading this thread.
been in flower for about 2 1/2 months, going very very slow, but i chopped a tiny tiny bud last night off and smoked it without dryin or anything and it got me BAKED, definitly a strong head high


Well-Known Member
word, yeah. it'll be perfect to start that other one, it don't need much light, and it'll be getting all the light to itself soon enough.


Active Member
word, yeah. it'll be perfect to start that other one, it don't need much light, and it'll be getting all the light to itself soon enough.
i got three cfls pointed at my one plant right now, will i need to put one directly on the sprout or will the light from the others be enough for it to grow for a couple weeks


Well-Known Member
if you can find away to keep it at least 3ft or less from light it'll be good at a young age. the closer the better, the seedlings are sensitive to the light so try not to burn them by having them 2 inches away. but if you got a lamp and can give the plant it's own cfl, that'll be best

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If it's taking very long to finnish then it seems safe to assume that you've been growing it for a very long time, in which case why on earth would you just chop it and waste all that time and effort? Just leave it be. Maybe the next seed takes equally as long, and you get equally frustrated. Patience :)