Dozer's First Hydro - Purple Urke - Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
Hi there rollitup boys and girls.

This will probably be my Second to last post in this journal. Next weekend, I'll be setting up my next grow(LOADS of mods for the waterfarm coming soon), so I'll post a link to the new journal for the final post.

Last weekend, I gave everything the final weigh, and placed it all into jars. All told, I now have 4.77 ounces of very very powerful medicine curing. It's all pretty much dry at this point, and there is no moisture/condensation in any of the jars so far, so I dont think I'll be losing any more weight. I have tried my crop out in three ways: Vaped through a volcano, smoked out of a water pipe, and rolled in a joint. As of right now, It's still a little harsh when smoked, but pulling it from the volcano is sooooo nicccce! The girls turned out to be super potent, and the vapors from the volcano are super tasty! I really hope the smoke matures to match. I didn't have adequate time to flush, so I'm a bit worried about the smoke flavor being negatively impacted as a result. We'll have to see what happens over the next two weeks.

Some lessons learned:

I think attempting four plants in that small of a space was over-ambitious. As a result, around %80 of my harvest was from one plant with the most room, and all of the others produced the remaining %20. For my nest grow, I will attempt to maximize two plants, spacing them out a bit, and hopefully end up with %160 of what I harvested this time.

The waterfarm is a good design, but it's not perfect. It wasn't until the post-grow analysis that I was able to determine the cause of some of the PH and drainage issues I was having. In my next grow, I will be introducing a number of popular modifications to the water farm and documenting, step-by-step the process of modding them for maximum output.

Hydroponics is a lot more complicated then it looks! If you have never grown anything hydroponically before, beware! It is extremely time consuming to fully wrap your head around.

Anyways, This (almost) concludes Dozer's First Hydro. Thanks for reading, and I hope the next one will be even better!



Well-Known Member
Hey man, just got thru the journal, fuckin sick setup, sick grow, and sick harvest. You did your damn thang man! I am about 3 short weeks away from my first harvest, and like you I could have never imagined it like this. Stay in touch, we both MM patients in SoCal. Holla atcha boi! Cheerio!


Well-Known Member
Can't wait for the new journal! Don't forget to get us a link here so we don't have to go looking.

I'm definitely interested in seeing the mods you do to the waterfarm.


Well-Known Member
Almost everything went according to plan. Almost. You see, the lack of a proper flush made my medicine taste all fucked up when flame is applied. From my Volcano, mind you, everything is A.O.K., but add fire, and it crackles and pops, and produces naaaasty tastes. After researching water curing thoroughly, I decided to try it on grass that had already been air cured. For those of you not familiar with water curing, basically, it entails completely submerging your buds in water for seven days, changing the water daily, and immediately dehydrating in a food dehydrator. The water has the effect of leeching all water-soluble chemicals(read:leftover nutes) from the plant by osmosis. Needless to say, until one has actually tried this onesself, the idea is a bit sketchy. A bit wary of losing my crop completely, I decided to try it out on a small sample, and make an informed choice from there. Seven days later, I removed my sample from it's watery home. Setting my food dehydrator to the absolute lowest setting, it dried overnight.

The verdict:
Potency remained high
Taste improved dramatically
Process seems to have removed excess nutrients, as well as leftover clorophyl.

Weight was reduced apx %10 from original product.
Color was significantly darker due to clorophyl reduction
Anxiety about submerging over four oz. of good medicine

I'm going to submerge everything tonight and take some measurements and pictures of the process. There seems to be a lot of conjecture about how this will work on the net, but very few people have gone through the trouble of actually documenting the process thoroughly. At best, this process may alleviate some anxiety if you are in the same position I am. At worst; my experience will serve as a cautionary tale to other growers foolish enough to follow my lead.

Keep your fingers crossed mates. It's going to be a long week for the D0z3r


Well-Known Member
hey dozer! I seen alot about that water cure, but your right--nothing in step-by-step detail though. Looking foward to that. also looking forward to your next grow.....don't forget to post a link!


Well-Known Member
I pussed out.

I didn't have the heart to do it.

I am ashamed.

I just couldn't bring myself to submerge that much green.


Well-Known Member
Hey d0z3r, don't feel bad - I wouldn't have gone through with it either.

If you've got good medicine through a volcano but not in a pipe, I'd just use the volcano. Maybe do a bit of the water curing, a small amount at a time just in case one batch goes bad somehow.

But dude, you've definitely gotta do a How To on the water curing. Take a little bit, a few ounces maybe, and photograph it step-by-step. As you pointed out, no one else has. You write well, document it for us and get it stickied here for the next guy who has trouble. (Make a new thread for it.)

Seriously, it needs done and you can do it.


Well-Known Member
You're right. It needs done.
Next harvest: I'm going to try an ounce of properly flushed fresh and see what happens. I think watercuring will work better on fresh, undried, uncured grass.

For now, I have enough ammo for my volcano to last me until my next chop.

This concludes D0z3r's first hydro.

On to part deux.

Thanks for reading!
