BCNL Producer meets SCROG meets Grape Krush by DJ Short


Well-Known Member
One other thing about my 5 week veg on my first run. I had a calcium deficiency. I'd never used RO water before and didn't know you needed to add cal-mag. I also had some PH issues. I have to think that both of those things slowed down growth while I was trying to figure out what went wrong and correct it.


Active Member
I own a Bloombox, but this is literally THE BEST grow I have ever seen done in a Producer. Great documentation as well, awesome 10/10 will read again.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks! I've been slacking a little bit about posting in my new journal. With a compliment like that I've got a new motivation to keep the entries humming.


Well-Known Member
So all and all is the BC grow box worth it?? Im a student thinking about getting the roommate and hope it pays off.

Also sick view from your cottage bro.


Well-Known Member
I definitely think it's worth it as it was a good fit for my buying criteria;

- compact, discrete, self-contained and locking. I've got two small kids in the house so this was a must.

-turn key. I've got very little free time so I didn't want to invest the time (and endless trips to Home Depot) to do it myself.

-fire safety. It's professionally wired. If I did it, it definitely wouldn't be professional.

Is it worth it from a financial standpoint? Sure. You can build it yourself cheaper if you have an aptitude for that. I spent $5,000 on it and harvested 525 grams first crop (before I lost 100 grams to rot while drying in mason jars, not the fault of the machine). Before I had this box I was paying $10-$12 per gram at my dispensary. By that metric it paid for itself with the first crop.


Active Member
Thank you for sharing!! Way more informational than anything BCNL provides. Also I really appreciate your candid and honest journal info. We all have issues and that's what we learn from. I can only hope my grow works out half as well as yours has.