First journal Blueberry Gum, Romulan Diesel, Power Kush


Well-Known Member
This is my first journal and the plants are already 3 weeks into flowering. I didn't have a camera but I borrowed one every week just to take some shots and I just got a nice Sony Cybershot camera. I wasn't going to do a journal but this grow is going very well so I may as well share. I have done a few grows so I'm pretty good at keeping my PH optimal, which I aim for 5.6 - 5.8.

The plants are Feminized BlueBerry Gum by G13 Labs, Feminized Power Kush by Dinafem, and Feminized Romulan Diesel by Next Generation. I began soaking them on March 7th, put them in rockwool on March 8th and they opened cotyledons by the 10th. I flipped them to 12/12 on March 31st.

I'm using 5 gallon buckets with large net pots, drippers and air stones, hydroton and rockwool, technaflora recipe for success, vegged for 3 weeks under a t5 high output 4' with 8 bulbs (432 watts) and flowering with a 600 watt hps. I started them in a closet for the first month but last week I got worried about height so I got my hands on a used 40" x 40" x 78" grow tent and got it set up a few days ago. I have a fan in there moving the air around and the HPS is in a 6" cool tube with a 240 cfm duct fan. I don't have CO2 enrichment. I have used Neem on them twice sort of preemptively since my humidity is high seems to stay above 60%. I live on the beach and I love the breeze in my house so the humidity will likely stay that way.

Anyway, I'll post the pics I took tonight in my next post and the old pics in this one. I would love any feed back, advice, questions or even just chatter. Those of you who know me from the politics section of this site please feel free to jump in, even if your views are diametrically opposed to mine, at least we have herb in common so don't be shy, chime in, just leave politics in the politics section please. I will try to keep this updated very often, even daily if people seem interested. All are welcome and please enjoy.

093.jpg076.jpg a couple pics to see my technique

2 weeks old.jpg2 weeks old, blueberry gum on the left, power kush in the middle and romulan diesel on the right

3 weeks old.jpg3 weeks old, pic taken right before I switched the power kush to the right and the romulan diesel to the middle and flipped to 12/12

4 weeks old.jpg4 weeks old, 1 week into 12/12, had the veg light horizontal with 4 bulbs lit to see if it would help them stretch, at the time they weren't doing much and having that light didn't do anything at all but waste energy.

5 weeks old.jpg5 weeks old, everything still going well, the veg light still down there because I'm a lazy MF.

Current pics in a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
OK they are now in that tent, light set up with duct and all that. The Power Kush is in the back left, Romulan Diesel in the right middle and BlueBerry Gum front and center.


I'm not a very good photographer. Pic 3 is the power kush. Pic 4 is the romulan diesel. Pics 9, 10, and 11 are of the power kush and I was hoping to get a close enough shot to show that it is just starting to produce trichomes.

Another thing I forgot to point out, which is very important, is that I modified the drippers, when I first got them I realized they didn't work very well, they also stuck out of the top and dripped solution on top of the hydroton which led to all sorts of problems. I shortened them such that soltution drips just below the top of the hydroton and I shortened the circumference of the hoops such that they fit closer to the rockwool cubes. I also always make sure that the surface of the nutrient solution is below the bottom of the net pot so between 1 and 2 gallons of solution in the bucket at any given time. They are already drinking as much as half a gallon a day and I push fairly high PPMs, at least 1600.


Well-Known Member
Day 26 flowering

The power kush is really producing trichomes now.

DSC00215.jpgPower Kush
DSC00216.jpgBlueberry gum
DSC00216.jpgRomulan diesel
DSC00220.jpgpower kush
DSC00221.jpgblueberry gum
DSC00222.jpgromulan diesel



Well-Known Member
very nice plants! cant wait to see the blueberry gum finish. Im very interested in that strain for my next grow. How has you experience with it been so far?


Well-Known Member
very nice plants! cant wait to see the blueberry gum finish. Im very interested in that strain for my next grow. How has you experience with it been so far?

She can take a lot of nutes, she is also an outstanding candidate for scrog imo, very bushy. She just barely started pushing trichomes out and judging by how long her stretch phase lasted, I would say she can go longer than advertised, I might give her 10 weeks. Maybe that is just a pheno though. Stay tuned and I will do my best to give you all you need to know to make an informed decision, but I definitely am glad I bought these beans.

Thanks for joining me here, I was getting lonely growing all by my self.


Well-Known Member
the t5s will bring the temp up and they are fine with out em.

frothy 2012 all the way.
More yield sauce w/ more lights, looks like a sealed room w/ ventilation so temp. should be ok especially in the spring, although I live in Michigan so I probably don't understand heat problems like others do. Gingrich, restore prosperity 2012.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested some Purple Diesel and that shit turned out amazing. Wonderful taste and thick buds. Average yield but quality was the best we've grown in a while.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested some Purple Diesel and that shit turned out amazing. Wonderful taste and thick buds. Average yield but quality was the best we've grown in a while.
I don't know, you could just be right. Looking back at my first post here and the pics I think maybe the reason they didn't stretch so far was because they had such a light situation and they have been stretching a bit since I put em in the tent. Think I should add some 6500k side lighting? Rmoney 2012.



Well-Known Member
I don't know, you could just be right. Looking back at my first post here and the pics I think maybe the reason they didn't stretch so far was because they had such a light situation and they have been stretching a bit since I put em in the tent. Think I should add some 6500k side lighting? Rmoney 2012.

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Yah I would at least try it. It doesn't look like they stretched too much but it looks dark underneath the tops so I think you would probably have a much bigger yield with your lower buds if you added the T5's again. I use 1000 watts to penetrate the plant and I do not have T5's so I'm not sure of how much heat they produce. You could also lower your HPS depending on how you have it set up. What are your temps? You could always remove some T5 bulbs if it is too much. Or you could hop on the Cain train 2012!!!!

All in all it looks good though.


Well-Known Member
Also try to keep your electrical off the floor if you can for safety sake.
Yeah I got the electrical in a safer configuration now. I also have plenty of space between the plants now so light does actually penetrate decently, but I still think you're right that some side light would do some good. I just don't want a huge bill.


Well-Known Member
Alright, looking at my lower flowers, they are clearly developing slower then the tops. I can get my hands on a UFO LED 90w. I'm thinking of putting it under the canopy, maybe a foot off the floor, pointing up, right in the center. What do you think? The T5 just seems impractical, it is huge, produces more heat than the HPS (I actually have a good balance going) and I only have 6500k bulbs anyway. If I'm going to buy something, I may as well buy the right thing. I would save a few bucks on electricity too. I have been told that the LED penetrates well, produces less heat and probably a dozen other promises I don't want to put too much faith in.

I think I can do better with nutes too, it just seems that I am doing everything well but still not seeing the perfect results. Is technaflora not a very good set?


Well-Known Member
Day 33 flowering

I took soome photos right before lights out and some right after.

all3 (1).jpgall3 (2).jpg

bbg (1).jpgbbg (2).jpgbbg (3).jpgBlueberry Gum is filling out.

pk (1).jpgpk (2).jpgpk (3).jpgPower Kush is looking sticky.

rd (1).jpgrd (2).jpgrd (3).jpgrd (4).jpgBeen overfeeding the Romulan Diesel a bit, so I diluted her solution.


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