First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

Truro's Saint

Active Member
Hey guys, I'm excited to be starting this journal for my first full grow.

Here's the setup:
Genetics: First off, I bought all of my seeds from (for the 2nd time) and had wicked fast and great service. Bought 2 Barney's Farm LSD (Feminised) and 2 Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream (feminised) seeds.
Grow room: I'm growing using a cabinet I created which measures 2' x 4' x 5'. My hydroponic method is a recirculating, drip system. My food for this grow will be the full line of Canna nutrients, including the Aqua lines, as well as their Rhizotonic, Boost, PK 13/14, and Cannazym additives. Medium is rockwool, which will be supplemented with clay pellets. The lighting will be supplied by 4 T5 bulbs during the veg phase, before switching over to 430 watt HPS lights for the bloom.

I'll try to keep as much information up as I can, but feel free to ask away or comment, please!

I germinated my seeds successfully over the last 2 days, and have just transplanted both into their starter rockwool plugs which have been soaked in pH 5.8 solution with Rhizotonic added for root development. 6 inch blocks have been soaked and are waiting for the plugs as soon as their ready.

I'll post some photos when the girls (hopefully) start to sprout. Peace out guys, hope to build a bit of a following. Peace!


Well-Known Member
I dont think I got the greatest seed when I got my TD from barneys farm through marijuana seeds canada... but the others were all great. Maybe I just got unlucky... looking forward to see how you do with them.

Truro's Saint

Active Member
Oh, you just made me realize I left out the fact that I am just doing the 2 LSD plants for this grow, and the 2 Tangerine Dream for grow number 2. Hope to get good results, I'll let you know for sure.


lsd is a great smoke as it blows your head off but when growing it watch out for the stretch as it stretches like crazy

Truro's Saint

Active Member
Thanks, staf82, I was indeed wondering about the stretch. It's my first grow, and on top of that, I'll be trying to scrog it. So hopefully the stretching won't become a major issue, but just stay tuned and see for yourself. Thanks for the info!

Truro's Saint

Active Member
My seeds have both sprouted successfully! Off to a good start. Both germinated using the paper towel method (both popped within 24 hours), they've been placed in starter cubes, and tonight after work I'll be moving them into larger blocks and putting them in my cabinet. As soon as I do, I promise photos will be up. Not much to see yet, but it's still nice to see them both thriving in their early days.

Truro's Saint

Active Member
Here's the first photos guys. I germinated these seeds one week ago. Like I said earlier, they popped in the paper towel within 24 hours. They are in straight water ( pH - 5.8 ) with some root stimulant (Canna's Rhizotonic). And I'll probably begin giving them some very mild plant food starting next week (1/4 strength at MOST). They look young and healthy and reaching up to the light. More updates as they occur.



Well-Known Member
good luck wit those lsd man i really like the one i got, iut should b done in the harvest window
i normally sgrog but didnt wit this one cuz it was a new strain for me so i just grew her up but had to supercrop an pinch like crazy
the scrog will b perfect but dont wait much longer the a 60%full screen to flip to 12/12 cuz it willl over grow very easy they are nute hounds also she likes to eat
happy growing dude hope u get a killer yield mine shall b down in the next week or so and i will keep watching to c how urs turns out

Truro's Saint

Active Member
Thanks, strondded, that's something I could NOT find anywhere, was the strain specific scrog info. Really glad to have someone who's grown it already chime in with the good advice like that. Hope your crop turned out well for you!


Well-Known Member
its still goin but the test bud was fire i have a really lanky kinda fluffy sativa pheno but it grows baseball sized buds everywhere and is prolly the most trich covered plant i have grown
it will def b amazing for hash. i will post some harvest pics when i bring her down


Im doing lsd for the second time now and also on my first scrog, the lsd scrogs ok but does take some major scrogging. Also for an added bit of info for you dont worry if the buds dont seem to fill out for ages as the lsd really only starts putting weight on in the last 2 or 3 weeks. Good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking out my journal

That is only my second grow (the first was a bag seed) so i don't have much base to compare, but that LSD is a weird looking strain!
I'm growing it next to the Vanilla kush so you can see all the differences and it's really interesting.

Maybe it's the name that's making me think that but it's looking like a crazy ass plant :)
The flower's shape is very strange, not like the VK who looks like text book (good) weed.

Be patient with it, it adds up to the things stondded and staf82 said, she really takes her time.

+ Subbed


It really does blow your head off, im not a fan of the smoke if im honest. My first attempt was a pain as i only gave her some lst and i really have some hight issues but this time it was scrogged and was much easier to keep low, cutting it down in about 4/5 days.

Truro's Saint

Active Member
Hey guys, just thought I'd pt up a couple of new pics in my free time. Not much has changed. The little seedlings are 10 days old now (from germination) and looking fine. It's hard to see in the pics, as I'm using my smartphone to take them, but both have started sprouting their second set of true leaves. I started them on quarter strength nutrients with rhizotonic added. Like I said, not much of an update, but some pics nonetheless. Thanks for all the support. Oh, and I have much love for the Valley, ottawa. Apple blossom's a good time.

IMAG0123.jpg IMAG0124.jpg IMAG0125.jpg


Well-Known Member
i chopped my lsd at day 63 cuz of a hermie but still is one of the nicest plants i have grown and i will run the clone to c if its genetic or my mistake soo keep an eye for late flower hermie nanners
nice update too

Truro's Saint

Active Member
Bored here at home... figured the girls (hopefully) turned 2 weeks old today, why not throw on some pics? They seem to be developing nicely. They don't look large, but they are drinking a lot for their size. I'm thinking the roots must be getting well established. They still seem too small for me to get too concerned about this, but I did notice a little bit of a lime colored discoloration on the leaves of one seedling. I figure I'm just paranoid, they're too small to really get too worried I figure, but maybe someone will see what I'm talking about. My smartphone doesn't focus very well, so I had to get my hand in a couple of the shots so it would focus better on the leaves. Anyways... take a look, see if you see what I'm referring to, and if I should at all be worried. The newer leaves look a little better, so I don't know, maybe they just needed that quarter strength food I started them on. Anyways... I digress. Enjoy!


IMAG0128.jpg This one looks a little better of the two so far.

IMAG0129.jpg This is where I see "lime-colored / Yellowing" lower leaves.

Truro's Saint

Active Member
Hey everyone...
Plants turned 3 weeks old today. As I suspected from my last update... I did indeed burn the seedlings a bit. One more so than the other. HOWEVER... I did flush the rockwool with ph'd water over the last few days and the new growth seems to be responding well. Lower leaves could be in trouble on the one plant, but it looks like both will recover just fine.

Let my mistake be a lesson to all novice growers! Even at 1/4 strength nutrients, I burnt my babies! Definitely should not have started the nutes after only one solid week of growth.

However, on the good news side, the roots have made it through my cube! New foliage looks to be a great color of green, and the tips are no longer curling/drooping downward. I measured the runoff after my flush, and the ec has come back down nicely, too. All things look good on the path to recovery following this minor setback. Please guys, don't overfeed your plants!

Here's some new pics, fellas. Thanks for the support as always.

IMAG0130.jpg IMAG0131.jpg IMAG0132.jpg IMAG0135.jpg IMAG0136.jpg IMAG0137.jpg

PS - The flash was on in the last 3 pics, so they look a little extra yellow in those shots.