First CFL grow


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU!!!
IM very excited to announce that im doing my very first indoor grow this year!:clap:
I've done very well outside the past few years,so i wanted to have a for fun grow durring the cooler months. im going to be LST'ing the plants and topping so it should be interesting.

So my setup is fairly nice (i believe lol)
Its a nightstand 3.5X2X2
has a 42 watt CFL above all plants. 1-26 watt and 1-19 watt cfl on each side.

its only bagseed(cause im sketched out about shipping seeds to my address)
Its day 4 since a started to germinate the seeds, and they are already little seedings.
I transplanted them into their own Jiffy pots today.
I have them on 20-4 light cycle.
idk what the tmeperature is yet(im gettin a thermometer soon)

Please follow this grow.

pictures will follow soon


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics of the grow box itself. I took some pics of the sprouts but my computer didnt want to recognise my camera at that moment so i'll try 6 003.jpg
day 6 002.jpgday 6 001.jpg


Well-Known Member

I finally got my camera to work again.
So heres some pictures of my babies.
I know its frowned upon to have 2 plants in one pot,
but im waiting for a few more days and which ever one is the biggest and healthiest
is going to live:clap:

I also changed the lighting around.
there is one 42 watt cfl above the plants
and two 26 watt cfls on the sides


Well-Known Member
cool set up bro ill cheak back in..................i keep trying to convince my girl to let me use my dresser to grow...........but she wont


Well-Known Member
Here is my biggest sprout, she decided that she was gonna stretch her leaves for ya'll!!

This sprout is growing in top-soil. So im watering with a Vegg Nute every watering
i know this is frowned upon but i've had good success

Here is my last sprout. Shes getting her 2nd node quick

hope ya'll like:-o:clap:

any input or advice is greatly recomended
or even questions


Well-Known Member
Alright so I had a ventilation problem but i got that fixed.
I lost one of my sprouts due to extreme temps

But here are the two that i still have

All comments welcome:-P


Active Member
yea gud luck ill keep readin since im growin 2 but ur about 7 days ahead of me. check my link in signature i have pics of her


Well-Known Member
i'll just let you know bro. that i've shipped plenty of seeds to my house using my real name and real credit card. nobody has called me and i've always got my shit 5 days after i order it. one order the package was resealed. but the next few the packages were untouched


Well-Known Member
Well here they are on day 15. I started giving them Molasses water today. Temps are stayin in the high 70's low 80's durring the day and low 70's at night. Everythings lookin real nice except one leaf on the larger sprout. Can anyone help me out with that?




Well-Known Member
Well yesterday my main exhaust fan crapped out on me, so i went and got an O2 Cool 5 in fan this morning
Same fan i had before so my temps are once again running normal.

Everythings looking real nice i started LSTing the bigger sprout and its already taken to that
Im gonna let em Vegg for another week or week and a half.

All comments appreciated


Well-Known Member
I know the havnt really grown much, besides leaf growth. I did LST my larger plant though. I took a pic of it
Im just bored and im all spun up over Prop 19 hahaha
So im posting some pics to ease my mind
Come comment on em!!!!!



Active Member
Looking good sc,

you might want to get the girls closer to the light... but lookin good. they're gonna blow up here soon...

good luck


Well-Known Member
Well heres the plants. They're starting to bush out prety nice
The smaller plant is really weird though becasue all the nodes are within an area of half an inch. How can i make it stretch more?

Enjoy the Pics :-P

heres the smaller one

and the larger one


Well-Known Member
That sucks, i wanted to start LST on it before it flowered due to the height of my box
Should i just top it at this point? if i want to keep it small


Active Member
well if u want them short then its good that they are short because hey will stretch during not quite sure about LST or topping as they are still kinda small...are u planning on re-potting?