My first grow!

Hello everyone!
This is my first grow so of course it's not going to be perfect. I'm not really looking for a lot of bud in this grow, since I'm experimenting right now, but hopefully I can get around 10 maybe 20 grams. (I'm really not sure what to expect.) Well yeah I started this grow on October 3rd and I have used extremely cheap stuff at first so my two babys have been growing really slow. But, I've done researching on the site and asked questions and I decided to change locations and add new equipment. I started out with a 13w cfl on two plants in a cold garage. Now I am using two 40w cool white tubes in a room that averages about 82 degrees. I have also added a fan. (A cheap one atm, but will get a better one soon.) The stems on the plants have been getting pretty long, one of them is about 4/5 inches long, but I added more soil to support it. Let me know what you guys think of my setup, and remember this is stuff I found around the house. I didn't go out and buy anything special, I hope this is enough for personal needs for one person.

1010101639b.jpg1010101640.jpg1010101639.jpg1010101639c.jpg1010101638.jpg1010101639a.jpg1010101637.jpg1010101640a.jpg1008101619a.jpg(This is how long the stem was before I added more soil. That was when I was using the 13w cfl.) Btw, it is my first day using the new setup/equipment.

I will be updating with pictures, so please check back whenever you can and let me know how I am doing. I will definitely need someone to guide me through this, so I would appreciate if someone can help me out with that. I am also open for suggestions on how I can improve. But my biggest question is, is this enough for these two plants? Or is there something I am going to HAVE to add?

PS. I am planning on adding maybe one more plant in there, but I am debating on that. Should I?


Well-Known Member
I'm in teh same boat as you (as far as starting a grow..still in the research phase) but my SUGGESTION (please feel free to correct or contradict me anyone) is using T5's for the clone, veg stage....I'm buying one wed. and it's about 90 bucks for a two tube two foot fixture. HTH
Yeah someone suggested that already, I've been doing some research on those but I'm not sure if I can spend that 90$ for that light. I wasn't really planning on spending much money for this grow. I was only planning on using stuff I can find around my house/garage/shed/barn. I have a lot of spare stuff. No t5's though. I was hoping this would be enough. Thanks for your help though. Also, can someone let me know if I can go all the way with these equipment? If not, I might just stop trying.


Well-Known Member
If anything you can buy 42w grow cfls for about $9 at your local garden center. You'd need about 4 and they can screw into a normal socket.


Well-Known Member
dude you need more than that CFL. My First grow i had 6 CFL's the plant by day 17 was small and not bushy. That plant ended up dieing. (my mistake) anyway i added two more lights (8 total) and also decided to give the plant both specturms (grow and flower) and now the plant is booming at day 17 my new plant is bushy as fuck and about 4 or 5 inches tall. With a THICK stem (id say the width of my thumb).

So in other words you need more light.

That's my auto bubble at day 17.
It's day 11 and I got a new fan in there, a very good one too. Now I understand making the fan blow at the plants makes the stem stronger. Is this true? I have it blowing at the plants atm and they are wobbling a quite bit. Not enough to break the stem though. Now I am still using the lights I have atm, but I am going to try to add a few more. I don't think I can get more than 2 cfls. I'll try for 3. The plants seem to be doing fine atm, the leaves are getting bigger and I see new ones already growing. I will update with pics in a few days when I see more progress.

Keep on posting them tips/suggestions.