Polak Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody!! Greetings from Poland. Decided to give sativas a try tired of those heavy couchlock indicas. Did some research and found 2 very affordable varieties - Belladonna & Satori. Got 5 seeds each courtesy of www.pickandmixseeds.co.uk. Already germinated 3 Bellas and 2 Satoris. Bellas were slightly quicker, their taproots poked through after 24 hrs, for Satoris I had to wait twice as much.

Belladonnas already broke the surface.

Apart from 2 20W fluoros there will be no artificial light in this grow. I will have to rely solely on the weather which means I have to support global warming in every possible way, haha. So at least a month of veg until I can take my babies outside.


Well-Known Member
For those of you who have not heard of those strains I collected some descriptions from their breeders.

BELLADONNA - Paradise Seeds

Mostly sativa with indica tendencies, Belladonna is an ideal cross for quality and yield. Since its introduction in 1999 it has gained interest among commercial growers. This variety combines a quick harvest time with a sativa high. In part named for her beauty, Belladonna is a pleasant looking plant with moderate foliage, indica growth patterns and tight, slightly orange buds. The aroma and taste is fruity and pungent. Belladonna delivers a trippy high with peaks of hallucinogenic rushes.
Belladonna thrives in all environments. While popular in California and Spain, she has performed well outdoors even in the less hospitable Dutch climate. Her resistance to mold may be in part responsible for her outdoor stamina.
Indoors, she does well in a sea of green set-up. Using this method, flowering can begin as soon as the plants are 15 cm (6 inches) tall, because they will continue to grow in the flowering cycle to 75 – 85 cm (2.5-2.75 feet). Belladonna is not very bushy, making it possible to grow plants close together.
Type: Sativa/Indica
Flowering: 60 days indoors. Outdoors middle of October (n.L.)
Yield: 450-500 g per m2 indoors. Outdoors up to 600 g per plant
Environment: Indoors. Outdoors between 55º n.L. and 55º s.L..
Effect/Buzz: Trippy
Smell/Taste: Fruity/ pungent
THC: 15-18%

SATORI - Mandala Seeds

We refined this strain genetically in 2006 to produce an even more reliable and powerful cross that will delight your connoisseur heart. Satori is an exceptionally easy to grow sativa. She has shown impressive hardiness against spider mites and other pests, and she possesses a good measure of mold resistance. Her slim appearance makes it possible to plant in narrow rows, or in SOG, to maximize her typical record yields even more. The firm side shoots provide highest quality cuttings. As with all our sativas she is heat resistant – an added bonus for small indoor environments and hot summer grows. The mainly sweet & fruity-spicy aroma is a real treat for the senses.
Satori grows a long head bud with chunky flowers and does not require much feeding on soil; you can almost do without feeding provided you use quality soil and sufficient pot size (approx. 2 gallon pots for adult plants under 250-600W lamps). Keep EC levels low in hydroponics for best results. All Mandala strains are extremely efficient in nutrient uptake due to their hybrid vigor and require only low EC levels/feeding to develop huge leaf, stem and bud structure. Satori is a high yielding, powerful plant with an exceptional sativa high. The heavy buds are easy to manicure, and from the resinous bud leaves you can produce finest grade hash, comparable in quality to the famous Nepalese "temple balls".
Type: sativa-indica
Contains land race genetics from: Nepal
Cultivation: indoor/outdoor
Flowering time: 65-70 days/October
Yield: 550-600 gr/m2 (dry weight)
High: a clear, cerebral high and strong potency sets in quickly; it supports concentration & creativity; very inspiring and stimulating. Ideal for writers, artists, musicians, or other creative people.
THC: 23-28%
Potency: 9-10/10; long-lasting; no nervous side-effects (racy heart,etc.); suitable for regular med users, or persons with high THC-tolerance.
Aroma: fruity-citrus, pungent.
Medical Use: Satori shows her therapeutic potential in relieving depression and anxiety; this strain can ease sleep disorders from auto-immune diseases and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).


Well-Known Member
A lil' update. Added some soil to the pots, mainly to stabilize the seedlings and... to have more soil! Everything is hunky dory at the moment. Only the weather outside is DREADFULLO:sad:!

3 square pots - BELLADONNA
2 round ones - SATORI


Well-Known Member
Spring has sprung. Well, kind of. For my plants it's still fluoros though. Shot 2 pics to show you some progress. Watering lightly, no nutes. Weed's growing!

Bellas slightly ahead.



Well-Known Member
There looking nice and healthy. Whats your temps avg @ outdoors right now? The satori's are suppose to be a hardy strain from what I have read. As I have been told by everyone who has grown it though, go easy on the nutes. Very nute sensitive. Good luck, I have just subscribed and will follow you along :)


Well-Known Member
There looking nice and healthy. Whats your temps avg @ outdoors right now? The satori's are suppose to be a hardy strain from what I have read. As I have been told by everyone who has grown it though, go easy on the nutes. Very nute sensitive. Good luck, I have just subscribed and will follow you along :)
I have heard this as well the satori will grow out with no nutes at all and if you over fertalize it is slow to recover.


Well-Known Member
There looking nice and healthy. Whats your temps avg @ outdoors right now? The satori's are suppose to be a hardy strain from what I have read. As I have been told by everyone who has grown it though, go easy on the nutes. Very nute sensitive. Good luck, I have just subscribed and will follow you along :)
Thank you for your comments! Funny thing you are asking about my outdoor temps, because we are enjoying today the warmeast day since October last year. It's 20C (70F) at the moment but the average for April would be rather 10-15C. I am not a big fan of nutes when it comes to weed. My approach is less is better. I think I will start taking them outside in 2 weeks or so.

I have heard this as well the satori will grow out with no nutes at all and if you over fertalize it is slow to recover.
Hello Matanuska! Don't worry dude. No nutes in veg and will be very careful with them later on.

Belladonna and Satori


Well-Known Member
Hey Meathook 666,
Glad to find yor thread. I haven't heard much about Belladonna but from what I have seen Satori is a nice strain.... especially for soil outdoors. I did get some of them from Mandala a couple of weeks ago but I will have to grow them inside. I think your style of growing will suit them fine. Good luck...I'll be following along.


Well-Known Member
Hey Meathook 666,
Glad to find yor thread. I haven't heard much about Belladonna but from what I have seen Satori is a nice strain.... especially for soil outdoors. I did get some of them from Mandala a couple of weeks ago but I will have to grow them inside. I think your style of growing will suit them fine. Good luck...I'll be following along.
Thank you for visiting. Uploaded 2 more pics of plants sunbathing on a window sill. Tomorrow back inside, coz major temp drop is coming.



New Member

I grew Satori last year outside and you are going to love them. I think you will notice in the veg stage, they will get a citrus smell to them....almost limey....very strong plant as well. I think outdoors, you can fert them, just don't overdue it.

That soil btw looks good enough to eat :lol:


Well-Known Member

I grew Satori last year outside and you are going to love them. I think you will notice in the veg stage, they will get a citrus smell to them....almost limey....very strong plant as well. I think outdoors, you can fert them, just don't overdue it.

That soil btw looks good enough to eat :lol:
Man those pictures are amazing you have a great view.
Thank you both for your kind words. Plants reached their second week of veg. Also noticed today that roots are coming out of bottom of the pots. The 3rd set of leaves is forming and I'm thinking of topping the 5th one.

2 weeks old

2 belladonnas

For the fans of my balcony view

And my soil


New Member
Good stuff....

Those tap roots are just feeling their way around, they have some filling out to do before you upgrade them.

Heh, what is that fellow burning in your pic? I can see that it is wood from the color....but a lot of it...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Thank you both for your kind words. Plants reached their second week of veg. Also noticed today that roots are coming out of bottom of the pots. The 3rd set of leaves is forming and I'm thinking of topping the 5th one.

2 weeks old

2 belladonnas

For the fans of my balcony view

And my soil
That is like a village with dirt roads!! Man you're lucky that looks like an awesome place to live.

All I see is pavement:(


Well-Known Member
Hi fellas! What you see is not a village, those are recreational houses/gardens of our senior citizens. That fire is most likely the result of a clearing up in the garden . You see a lot of those when spring starts. Can't wait to start taking my plants outside for the whole day but it's still too cold.


Well-Known Member
Hi fellas! What you see is not a village, those are recreational houses/gardens of our senior citizens. That fire is most likely the result of a clearing up in the garden . You see a lot of those when spring starts. Can't wait to start taking my plants outside for the whole day but it's still too cold.
We put our senior citizens in 8x12 boxes stacked together in high rises until they pass away. I think I like your way better!


New Member
I have an old friend from Poland who came to America to fulfill his dreams.... and he did. His life was cut short by a heart attack at the age of 38...:sad: and is now back in Poland in his families plot. Someday I will go see him one more time.

I miss Tad.... he was a heck of a guy.

I also live out in the country.... isn't it wonderful? I've lived on the hub of New York city and I have lived out in the boonies.

I'll take the boonies every time... :wink: