2 whitewidow first grow :D


hey peeps this is my first grow, i thought id start with the white widow :twisted:
my budget was £120.
250w hps
bq"s sowing and potting compost
it took me 2 days to germinate 2 white widow seeds useing the paper towel method.
from there straight into the pots one with 50%compost 50perlite the other just compost.
i put two freezer bags over the pots and turned on the 250w 2 1/2 foot above.

i figure why buy it if i can grow :eyesmoke:
hopefully someone with a little experience can spot me through the process. all is welcome to coment :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Hey I just started a white widow myself. Like yours it took 2 days to germinate it using the paper towel method. I will definitely subscribe and follow your grow. Looks good so far :joint:


both seeds have broken the surface:twisted:
ive now dropped the light down to 22" from the seedlings.
im going the leave the light on 24/24

camera died before i got to snap the other one, il be getting new batterys tomarrow.



the first seedling has tripled in size from yesterday is this normal?
i dont want it getting too tall incase it falls over lol
the other has doubled, i turned the fan on to blow them about a little.
i probly leave watering untill tomarrow let them dry a little.:twisted:


Hey I just started a white widow myself. Like yours it took 2 days to germinate it using the paper towel method. I will definitely subscribe and follow your grow. Looks good so far :joint:
thnanks dude early days yet,
has your baby broke the soil yet mate


The one on the left is 3" inches tall.
is this normal for 3days of seedling or is it searching for light.
should i raise it closer to the light?



Well-Known Member
The one on the left is 3" inches tall.
is this normal for 3days of seedling or is it searching for light.
should i raise it closer to the light?
Hey man, yeah definitely move them closer to the light. You man want to put a really light fan on them if you don't have one to strengthen those stems a bit. If they start to lean you can get a shish-ka-bob (sp?) stick to prop them up.

My widow popped today. Had a shell covering it still so i gently removed it. Lookin' good now :) I may post a journal but kinda ify on that.


i moved the light closer and tried the shish-ka-bob with the fan on was way too late.
had to repot and drop the stems in deep.
they seem to be good for now, hopefully they pull through:evil:

your widows on its way then:eyesmoke:nice one mate.
when do you start to feed them nutes.



Well-Known Member
i moved the light closer and tried the shish-ka-bob with the fan on was way too late.
had to repot and drop the stems in deep.
they seem to be good for now, hopefully they pull through:evil:

your widows on its way then:eyesmoke:nice one mate.
when do you start to feed them nutes.
I'm going to start feeding mine a 1/2 strength solution when they get to about 3 nodes worth of growth and see how they take to that.


k mate,
i hear its good to feed them 1/4 of the recommended dosage to get them used to it?maybe wrong.
il feed one 1/2 strength and the other 1/4 just to be sure.

whats 3 nodes worth of groth? inches?


Well-Known Member
STOP! You are about to make a classic newbie mistake. DO NOT feed your seedlings any nutrients AT ALL right now. They are very small and they have enough stored energy to go a lot longer. If you feed them it will burn them and they will be stunted. Read that as "you feed more, it grows less" if it helps you to not do this.

You really should do yourself a huge favor and take that 250w HPS out of the equation right now. Go get a couple of CFL's and put one over each of those seedlings. Let them get 3 or 4 REAL leaves and then put them under that HPS. It'll make your life a lot easier and the plants will be much happier. You could just lower the HPS, but seedlings are very sensitive and they are easy to kill. Try not to help them along too much (feeding, watering, etc), but give them a chance by giving them softer light (much closer of course) and let them get up and going.

If you don't believe I know what I'm talking about here is a picture of the White Widow I just harvested...



chesse101: thanks dude.

laserbrn: thanks for clearing that up, i was debateing on wether to feed them or not.
cfls- im a bit strapped for cash but il be sure to get them on my next grow.
btw those were some buds you got of that widow:eyesmoke:, hopfully i can achive close to that, what was the dry weight.

bought these nutes today! anygood?



Well-Known Member
Those nutrients will be just fine. I haven't weighed it all dry yet. Just harvested these the other day and they are still drying.

If you continue to use that HPS then lower it when they stretch. The 250's don't generate that much heat (or shouldn't I say). I would think you only need to start it at about 24 inches. And bring it down slowly over the course of the next 10 days or so. After about 2 weeks the light should be in position over the (then vegging) plants.


i had the light over them at 22" and they streched little over 4" in 3 days.
so i droped the light down to 8" and repoted them both.
theyre doing good now tho :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've done the right thing. Have you checked the temps under that light? How warm is it 8" under the center of that light after 1 hour of operation during the warmest part of the day?