Blueberry First Hydro Grow


Active Member
thefacemelter & cthirlby13's first hydro grow!

Starting a little late with the grow journal but i'll catch you up.

How: Homemade drip/bubble system, rockwool, hydroton rocks
Lights: 150w HPS, 175w MH, 65w CFL 6500k
Nutes: General Hydroponics Flora series

Started these little guys off as seeds and germinated them right in the rockwool. 4 little girls (i hope) popped out and were looking great. (PICTURE 1) The thermometer sitting on the lid ended up killing one of them about a day later and then there was three...

(PICTURE 2) Two weeks old. Just started giving them nutes and checking the ph at this point.

(PICTURE 3) ~17 days old. Started noticing brown spots on lower fan leaves of only one plant. It never spread to other plants but this plant experienced a little stunted growth for awhile.

(PICTURE 4) Four weeks old. At this point (today) the plants are very bushy. I topped them about a week ago and they have grown like crazy after moving them under better lights.:cool: They are stacked about 10 nodes high in only 9 inches.

I really want this first try with hydro to go well so please feel free to leave comments/suggestions! I am open and welcome to any advice i can get.:bigjoint:




Active Member
Pic 1) Another view of the three
Pic 2) A plant that i fimmed instead of topped. The first leaves are a little messed up, but i think that it's normal.
Pic 3) Top view of a topped plant.
Pic 4) Underneath view of the branches. the nodes are really close and stacked together.
Pic 5) Should those large fan leaves that are resting on the ground be clipped off?

:leaf:Let me know what you think!:leaf:



Active Member
Just Added:
11 White Widow clones in aerocloner (PIC 1,4)
1 NorthernBerry clone (middle of PIC 1 in coco pot)
1 Juicyfruit in soil (PIC 3)

Much thanks to VV!

My Blueberry plants (PIC 2) continue to get more bushy and wide instead of tall (after i topped). I Plan on vegging the BB and JF for about another week before flowering. The clones in the aerocloner and the NB are smaller and need to be in veg for a while.




Well-Known Member
Nice looking transplant, those will do well in that size pot. That nice green at the top of the clone is what your looking for on the other too. The aero should do fine for them. VV


Active Member
Hey VV, What do you think i should do with that northern berry? i set it over one of the holes in the aerocloner so it would get some roots. Now that they have broken out of the coco pot im not sure where to grow it. I think that the blueberry system has too much nutes in it already... another soil transplant maybe?


Well-Known Member
You can put it in anything you want, it will do fine in soil. I transplanted the rest of those today, 4 each of big gurl and GrapePurpleCindy and 12 NorthernBerry. VV


Active Member
:leaf:Updated pics (1,2,3) of what the crop looked like on the first day of flowering (3/6/09)

:leaf:My White Widow clones are still in the aerocloner and are a week old in this picture (4)

:leaf:The NorthernBerry (5) will probably be transplanted into soil because of lack of room for another hydro setup. I do have one empty space in my drip system, but i think the amount of nutes i have in there will kill 'er, and my blueberries would block out all the light.




Active Member
:leaf:1/21/09-Took Northernberry out of aerocloner and put it with my blueberry in the drip system. It developed great roots in the cloner and received a very small amount of nutrients for a couple weeks. I am not sure if the amount of nutrients in the drip system for the BB will be too much for the NB, but i guess the plant will tell me that.

:leaf:I am down to just one blueberry now as i discovered another male.

:leaf:Still waiting/not really sure exactly what i am going to do with the white widow clones, they are all growing taller and developing good roots. It looks like i might need to build another hydro system to accommodate them.

NB- Day one of flowering
BB & JF- Day 17 of flowering
WW- clones



Well-Known Member
yeah man, that northernberry in soil looks great, as well with the WW and BB.

i hope that NB is in some Organic soil... ha.

keep it real brotha, get back at me asap.

might be aroung lansing area with-in the next couple weeks.

im hitting up a compassion club meeting at horizon next tiesday!




Active Member
:leaf:New updated pics of the girls.
(1,2,3) Juicyfruit, before and after a little trim. Day 27 of flowering
(4) Blueberry, day 27 of flowering
(5) NorthernBerry, day 10 of flowering
(6) Newest addition: White Widow transfered from aero-cloner into soil. First day in flowering, about 1 1/2 feet tall.

:leaf:White Widow plant was transplanted from aero-cloner into FOXFARM OCEAN FOREST soil. it's close enough to organic for all of you snobs out there.:bigjoint:...unfortunately i think the JF is in Miracle Grow.

:leaf:I have recently run into a pretty bad Spider Mite problem that i am trying to fix with a neem oil spray. It's mostly on the clones but i can see some fucked up leaves on parts of my northernberry too. If this doesn't work soon i will probably buy some predators because my clones are suffering pretty bad.

:leaf:New reflective material on walls, thanks VV



Well-Known Member
no VV.. holmes as in " friend."

facemelter im heading to the TC meeting tonight! i gave you a call yesterday, no answer, give me a call!

kyro pnl

Active Member
nice pics and did u keep the leafs a good color green b cuz my's r like a yellow green i dont know what am doing wrong anyway nice plants velvet 1.


Active Member
:leaf:New Flowering Pics.
2-Juicyfruit cola
3-Blueberry cola (biggest)
4-Blueberry cola (second biggest out of 4)

:leaf:I will soon be adding an additional (borrowed) 400w HPS, then later buying a digital 600W

VV- the desiccant works really good for drying buds.

CG- How did the meeting go? i tried calling your ass back a few times, but im sure we'll talk. Are you coming down soon? BTW, you need to get that grow journal going so I can check out ya gals.

Kyro- I am pretty sure leaf color is genetic. Unless you have yellowing from some kind of nute problem etc. My blueberry has much darker green leaves and the Juicyfruit has more of a light green/yellow color



Well-Known Member
nice man, i got BB goin as well ... is yours dutch passion ?
first clone i had budded kinda weakly... but the smoke is great:eyesmoke::eyesmoke: