Belladonna and Aurora indica grow


Active Member
I have 3 Belladonna(paradise seeds) and 1 Aurora indica(nirvana) at about day 20 12/12.
light 400hps son t plus
Nutrition: atami terra max, atami xl and in 2 weeks i will start feeding them with pk 13,14.
Started with 4 seeds belladonna and got 3 females.
Never grown belladonna before and never used atami nutes before but so far all good:)
The girls are looking green and healthy but because of the hps light the colours of the picture screwed up



Active Member
Anyone used the Atami nutes? Never used them before and i am a little confused when i should start using pk 13 14?? Some say in the beginning of the flowering ..other say in the 4th or 5th week of floweringcycle:?:.
Any suggestions? Any growingadvice considering belladonna?


Active Member
The aurora indica plant seems slow the first weeks of flowering compared with the belladonna but now its speeding up



Active Member
Belladonnas doing just fine but the AI is really really slow.. looking healthy though and no yellowing leafs but i do not think it will be a great yielder..
I ve heard about belladonnas turning hermie rather late in the flowering so i am a bit worried...but so far so good



Well-Known Member
*sniff* makes me feel bad about my AI turning into males, they'd be at this stage right now :(

good work tho!


Active Member
About day 34-35 into floweing i think one of my belladonnas is a hermie:( At least it has a couple of "bananas" on one of its lower buds.
Actually no typically signs of hermaphrodism but as one of the smaller buds in the lower branches was damaged i snapped it and looked at it closely....a couple of bananas . The rest of the plant looks healthy and a nice top cola. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Just accept a few seeds...will it fuck up my 3 other plants? The suspected hermie looks to good to kill:( HELP?


Well-Known Member
Hard to believe its hermie this late into flowering they look really healthy, do you have any close ups of the male flowers? I really like the deep green color of these indicas, very nice plants bro thanks for the great pics!


Active Member
Thanks for support! Actually the suspected bananas,pollen was inside the bud that was damaged...but maybe i just got paranoid.It happened to me before that i harvested and got a few big deal actually but i just do not wanna see all my plants get pollinated....what a nightmare will check them closely in the morning....and if i see anything i will post a close up. At the moment darkperiod


Well-Known Member
I just went through this on about day 35 as well. Its not going well. My whole flowering room went hermie. It is a gamble to let it stay. I would yank it because some bananas my explode inside the bud and u will not know until it is too late. But it depends on what ur goals are and can u finish them quick enough. The only reason I let them go was because they all went hermie. Mine are at day 67 bananas everywhere. They are taking forever to finish and I suspect it is because they got pollenated. Do you do a perpectual grow cycle or clone? It will be a race for u to finish if u leave them. Someone is going to test tmy weed tonight to see if its any good. I cant right now because of work. I will try to let u know.

Can u isolate it?

What is the deal with all the hermies lately?

I just got Durga Mata from paradise I am very worrried about them going hermie.