Sock Puppet Politics


Well-Known Member
Pffsh, the best one was removed.

Probably because of excessive awesomeness.
n'awwwwwwwwwww does rollie drop the hammer on poor, would soooooooo complete politics forum, now wouldn't it?..still fun to "slip one in":wink:


Well-Known Member
Porno? Hardly, was just a penis pastie.

It's okay, I forget about the double standards. My mistake, lol.


Well-Known Member
Porno? Hardly, was just a penis pastie.

It's okay, I forget about the double standards. My mistake, lol.
actually, i was talking about stuff posted this week that was mod deleted..not sure what you mean by double standards but why are righties so sarcastic?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure, but you who love shoes, love your feet.

Did you know they used to melt feet, right at the shoe store? :)


Well-Known Member

  • and why the tea party are really democrats.

    i had a good LOL at this!! democrat and republican parties are there so YOU feel as though you have a choice in what goes on



Well-Known Member
republic, democrat, or third party end game agenda 21 one world government, ALL of our presidents are related to each other, its an elite bloodline thing and those who deny this are just stupid or in denial!! you guys keep on listening to what the talking heads on the TV say, ill form my own opinion...Cheesus if im "Ron Paul lost" then you are Sarah Palin lost!!


Well-Known Member
agenda 21 one world government, ALL of our presidents are related to each other, its an elite bloodline thing and those who deny this are just stupid or in denial!!...ill form my own opinion...
seems like you are doing more than just forming your own opinion and sharing it, seems like you are pushing your agenda too.

that's fine, just be honest about it.*

just earlier tonight, some similarly sock puppet seeming fellow told me that i "must be smarter that that" if i didn't believe what he was saying about something conspiratorial, and you are doing the same to a much more unpleasant degree than he did.

and you reek of sock puppet.


Well-Known Member
republic, democrat, or third party end game agenda 21 one world government, ALL of our presidents are related to each other, its an elite bloodline thing and those who deny this are just stupid or in denial!! you guys keep on listening to what the talking heads on the TV say, ill form my own opinion...Cheesus if im "Ron Paul lost" then you are Sarah Palin lost!!

That's a new one. An elite bloodline. So, George Washington is related to Dick Nixon and Barry Goldwater? You gotta have both, right? You don't know who will win.

And they are all related to Bill Clinton thru Ronald Reagan who is 1st cousin or something to Obama? Is that it?

Well they sure aren't breeding for looks, are they? :)


Well-Known Member
republic, democrat, or third party end game agenda 21 one world government, ALL of our presidents are related to each other, its an elite bloodline thing and those who deny this are just stupid or in denial!! you guys keep on listening to what the talking heads on the TV say, ill form my own opinion...Cheesus if im "Ron Paul lost" then you are Sarah Palin lost!!

Just an Update

Ron Paul Lost
Get over it