Global Warming or Over Population - Earths Biggest Threat?


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that, it's pretty fucked up that someone could stoop this low.
aren't you the same guy who attempts to insult others by calling them "niggas"?

you have zero position of moral authority to speak from, you fucking black person.

straighten up and fly right.


Well-Known Member
Do you practice being a shitty human being or does it come naturally?
I learn from the best. I take notes from people like you, beenthere, KKKynes and Red666 himself. How's your high horse hypocrisy workin out for ya?


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that, it's pretty fucked up that someone could stoop this low.
Says the racist liar. You shit on minorities and call people horrible names, but when I ask how someone's children are doing you call me fucked up?

You have some seriously mixed up priorities.


Well-Known Member
Says the racist liar. You shit on minorities and call people horrible names, but when I ask how someone's children are doing you call me fucked up?

You have some seriously mixed up priorities.
i think they're upset because red's children all died in a fire because his wife was a careless smoker.

i blame red though, as he clearly is not great at dealing with fire hazards.

would you lay a piece of combustible wood on the floor if you were worried about fire?


Well-Known Member
Says the racist liar. You shit on minorities and call people horrible names, but when I ask how someone's children are doing you call me fucked up?

You have some seriously mixed up priorities.
So you were unaware that Red's kids all died in an accident?


Well-Known Member
that's a shit thing to say see4, fuck you man. pretty damn sad what this board just came too
Why do you say that? Do you know it to be true? Absolutely certain? You do realize he has lied about almost everything else he has talked about. Why would this not be a lie as well?

And no thanks on the offer. I prefer women.


Well-Known Member
Was it this thread where the subject of space elevators and "black men smarter than Netwon" came up?

Here's a vid that combines both...POW!


No mention of EM forces, but the wind sure is giving those prize seekers a rough time...


Well-Known Member
Yea. Got pretty quiet up in here once I brought out the truth card huh?

So you either believe him and therefore I'm the asshole, which means you take people for their word, which means you guys are being the assholes trying to call out UB and myself.

Or you don't know for sure if he is being honest, in which case, am I being an asshole if it isn't true, and he is drawing the sympathy card?


Well-Known Member
Yea. Got pretty quiet up in here once I brought out the truth card huh?

So you either believe him and therefore I'm the asshole, which means you take people for their word, which means you guys are being the assholes trying to call out UB and myself.

Or you don't know for sure if he is being honest, in which case, am I being an asshole if it isn't true, and he is drawing the sympathy card?
You know Newton lost all of his money in the stock market?


Well-Known Member
like i said, criminal negligence at best, insurance scam at worst. lots of possibilities in the middle, too.

maybe he caught his wife fucking another man or found out he was cuckolded. that would be less bad than killing your whole family for the insurance money.


Well-Known Member
Not at all, but unless you have proof it's a lie, why be a dick on that scale?
Ahhhhh, I see. So do you have absolute proof that UB is lying about his returns? Or how much I make?

If not, why be a dick about it?


New Member
Says the racist liar. You shit on minorities and call people horrible names, but when I ask how someone's children are doing you call me fucked up?

You have some seriously mixed up priorities.

You dyslexic idiot, you mean I call horrible people names